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Thursday, November 14, 2019

'Dirty Jobs' Mike Rowe talks about hometown Baltimore


  1. Sorry, this guy is a nut. Me, me, me, I, I, I. Answer a question, Idiot.

  2. dirty baltimore? pollution central? failing schools failing police failing civil discourse failing at everything! keep electing democrats and expecting things to get better! insanity!

  3. I think he is in denial. He is trying to remember the Baltimore of his youth that no longer exists anymore.

    Of course you are going to defend your home town where you grew up, but unfortunately things change, and in the case of Baltimore, now for the better.

  4. I'm sure there are some parts of Baltimore that are not as bad. Just like Salisbury. I'm sure his parents don't live in the bad part. If they did he would move them to a safer area.

  5. Hahahaha
    Joy his attitude is all you .


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