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Sunday, November 10, 2019

Dillard U. President: Historically Black Colleges Succeed Because They Don’t Let ‘Racists’ In

Dillard University President Walter Kimbrough argued that historically black colleges succeed because they don’t enroll “racist” students.

Kimbrough, the president of Dillard University, a historically black university in New Orleans, Louisiana, came under fire this week after he said that historically black colleges succeed because they exclude racists from their student body and faculty.

“I think now many black high school students are experiencing more overt racism, so they are looking for places where race is not a day to day issue to be navigated,” Kimbrough said in a comment to The College Fix. “At an HBCU, students can just be students and not worry about the politics of race.”

“I think many have worked to be more inclusive, but those schools still enroll students who don’t have the same value of diversity and inclusion,” Kimbrough added. “A university may do everything right but they will still enroll racist students, faculty and staff who will make the climate uncomfortable for black students.”



  1. HBCU should be a thing of the past.

    1. You have forgotten the number one rule of racism:
      Rule 1: Only Caucasians can be racist. They are born with a racist gene and that is why. [SIC]

  2. Still doesn't mean their not racist. How can they not be RACIST?? They are taught it from their parents. From their neighborhood. From their schools. From their churches. From their politicians. Believe this and I have a bridge to sell you.

  3. Yea, so why is Salisbury middle a riot zone again?


  4. I'm white and worked at UMES for four years.

    It was the most racist place I've ever seen. Openly racist.

    So how is that good for our society to have segregated schools full of racial hostility?

  5. Yes, but any/every black institution is racist AND it will never rival “white” or education institutions that practice non racist admission policies.The statistics prove it. Liberal second class all the way.

    1. That is the point and the reason this story was posted...

  6. I wouldn't consider them as succeeding - all they do is get people through college where most of them shouldn't go!

    As a co-worker and now hiring manager, I have found most of them to be barely able to communicate (they still axe pacific questions) - so I can't put them in front of 'real' customers; they don't have a basic understanding of the concepts that their degree says they have mastered; they have excuses for everything; and generally can't be relied upon to show up and get the job done! Add their entitlist attitude on the job when there are any criticisms of their performance and it's easy to see where that crap all came from... Thanks Barry Soetoro - you racist foreign dirtbag!

    In this environment, there are so many alternatives...it is soooo easy to show the deficiencies and hire simply better people...which I DO!

    1. I'm with you there. Unbelievably ignorant to basic concepts of social behavior. Can't perform even on a basic level, and say they're being picked on because they're black. Just better off to avoid hiring that type of problem. And you can tell as soon as you meet them, the attitude just starts oozing out of them. Shame.

    2. Them? They? Go back to your single wide

    3. Awe. Another I can spell but can't think for myself libutard. Go back to your slumlord apartment.

  7. Do we have Historically Hispanic Colleges (since they were here before the blacks?) or how about Historically Native American Colleges(since they were here first) or Historically Asian Colleges (since they are typically higher performers in college)? Nope, only the blacks can't seem to be competitive with the rest of the world academically. The amount of cheating that is acceptable at UMES is sad and I would not consider hiring any graduate of that college.

  8. Their succeeding means if it is warm and occupies a seat in the classroom, it passes.

  9. Northwest Woodsman: My question is what their successes are and how are they measured? Abilities in math and English at a fourth grade level? Both subjects now, however declared racist.

  10. I be, you be, we be, they be. I be smart.

  11. Well that right there is pretty downright racist of him to say that. Nobody is fostering race relations with comments / opinions like that. Black racism is WORSE than white racism. Whites could never make a declaration like that about a historically "white" college. When that person says they don't enroll racist students, he means white students. Black racist students are welcomed and made more racist by their studies at the racist institutions that call themselves "historically black colleges."

  12. I doubt Dullard U. produces a whole lot of truly employable people. Lucky for them, Affirmative Action paves the way for the over-degreed and undereducated.

  13. There are no Gay loggers for Jesus colleges ... I’m going to sue


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