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Sunday, November 17, 2019

Democrats fail to present impeachment case


  1. It's obviously a witch hunt. This evidence that the Democrats are "Thirsty" and they will do whatever necessary to get rid of the Republican president. This proves they are desperate and will do anything to steal an election.

    And you idiots are too dumb to realize he won't and can't be impeached but you are falling for the garbage that you are being spoonfed from the Left Wing Lame Stream Media You are too stupid to realize how much money and time has been invested in this witch hunt. Adam Schiff should be tried and convicted of treason along with Obama, Hillary, Bernie, Pelosi, Reid and Schummer! Cummings got what he had coming.

  2. Agree 11:53... would like to see President Trump bring the military into play to stop this coup attempt. Basically this continues to be a partys attempt to overthrow a fairly elected President...

  3. Thank you
    Well stated
    Wake up people

  4. Yes...wake up people. Look at what the liberal left is doing; in California petty theft is no longer a crime, urinating and defecating in public is acceptable, Democrats promote open borders and safe haven (sanctuary) to illegals of which many are criminals, Democrats are for all intents and purposes allowing drugs to pour into the U.S., the socialists want to give everything away pandering for votes, and they have become so extreme they see it fit to murder babies well into pregnancies. They, the democrats, have lost moral compass all for the sake of power. They initiated the social reform movement with welfare during the Johnson administration and now have kicked the American poor to the curb in favor of illegals. And the GOP are deplorables?

  5. Talk about partisan reporting. It's almost as if no one here actually watched the hearing, and only parrot what their preferred news media entertainment spoon fed them.

    The OAN is hardly an unbiased news source.

    The democrats presented a good case for impeachment, laid out evidences of highly irregular activities by the President.

    The minority's whole argument comes down to "this is hearsay" as it is not first hand testimony, yet the white house has blocked all "first hand" witnesses from testifying. They've rigged the game.

    Look, I am conservative, and voted for Trump.. but it really looks, based on what is being put forward, that at the very least some shadiness is going on in the White House.

    No one has justified why the money was ever held up? Can anyone provide a reason as to why critical funds were stopped? It makes no sense.

    1. So you would have voted Democrat if it weren't for Hil-liar-y and voted for Trump instead is what I'm hearing ?

    2. OAN is an unbiased network. Much more than any other out there. Grow up 744. You look ridiculous.

  6. @ November 15, 2019 at 9:24 AM TheRealRay

    Apparently your reading and comprehension skills need some work. Where in my post was that said, or are you just obfuscating? Parroting the party line of distort and distract?

  7. @ November 15, 2019 at 9:24 AM TheRealRay

    Apparently your reading and comprehension skills need some work. Where in my post was that said, or are you just obfuscating? Parroting the party line of distort and distract?

  8. @ November 15, 2019 at 11:54 AM

    Who looks ridiculous? This is LITERALLY the description of OAN from Wikipedia:

    Originally launched with the intention of targeting a conservative and center-right audience, OAN states a goal of delivering credible national and international news coverage throughout the day while its prime time political talk shows illustrate a conservative perspective. The channel is pro-Trump.

    So, Who looks ridiculous? Did you even watch that news clip? Did you watch the actual hearing? Cause I watched both and the skew is OBVIOUS.

  9. 12:40
    I haven't posted any of the comments above, however, did you really just use Wikipedia as your reliable source? Now THAT is funny. I guess you don't know how that website is run.

  10. Time to EMPEACH ALL Demon-crats NOW !!!!

  11. All Witch-Hunts have FAILED !!! Courts need to step in &

    prevent ANY more !!!!

  12. Congress has NO more power than the other 2 branches of
    Govt & someone needs to tell them Just That !!!

    THEY are NOT above the damn law & where the hell are the
    courts to stop this non-sense ??? Where is 9th circuit now?

    Court Rules should also apply to Congress & they should
    not be allowed to operate outside of those same Rules !!!!
    Judges should be allowed to be Political Nor any diplotmats
    or Higher up positions . News should be Un-biased too !!

  13. News except OAN is as Biased as Hitler's news in WW2 !!!

    Pelosi (Gerbles) is the propaganda Minister !!

    Schumer is the Gestopo Chief !!!

  14. Order more Popcorn for next Thursday !!!!

  15. Make it the LAST Kangaroo session please !!! Enough

  16. WHy is Trump refusing to allow key witnesses and documents to be introduced? What is he hiding if he is so innocent?

  17. More (Many more) Hear-Say Witnesses being Recruited
    for this week's Kangaroo Sessions !!!!


  18. How the Hell did so many people (Dems call witnesses )

    listen in on a POTUS Secure Phone call ??? And No-one

    got in any trouble ?? Bull Crap Never Happened !!!!

    Now they say 8 more frigg'in witnesses this week !!!!

    How many Next week ??? Tell it to a REAL Court !!!!


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