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Friday, November 01, 2019

De Blasio: 'Something doesn't fit' about Jeffrey Epstein's death

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio fueled conspiracy theories about Jeffrey Epstein’s death, saying Thursday that “something doesn’t fit.”

The city’s chief medical examiner is standing by the conclusion that the convicted sex offender died by hanging himself in his prison cell this summer after a pathologist hired by Epstein’s brother cast doubt on the findings.

The pathologist, Dr. Michael Baden, claimed Epstein more likely died of homicide than suicide, as determined by Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Barbara Sampson.



  1. That is the first thing that I have agreed with that De Blasio has said.

  2. That's not Clinton says

  3. Everyone knows that man was killed. Why do they persist with this stupid narrative? He did not commit suicide. Have known since it first happened that it was murder but maybe because it was DEM sanctioned it is okay. We'll stick with the old suicide story.

  4. A bit slow on the uptake Bill. Explains his disastrous bid for president.

  5. So, why is it that every rational red blooded American knows that Epstein was whacked except high profile dumbocrats?

  6. Just use him for chum in the crab pots.This post equates to a defense for this idiot which would be a Democratic approach that Sby News would be afraid to allow.Unless Epstein is your hero just let it go.Who cares what happened to Epstein?You,me? What are you attempting to convey? Don't give credit to monsters on this site.Do I have to tell you everything?

  7. Clinton Mafia strikes again. He had to much on the Clintons that they didn't want to get out.

  8. Thank you. Captain Obvious on vacation?

  9. MI-6 of UK was involve mostly with the black book link to Prince Harry and the Queen order his death so doesn't get convicted on trial.

  10. Of course something doesn't fit. Epstein knew a lot about our government that was in cahoots with him and his nasty ways. HE WAS MURDERED to keep his mouth shut. That is the way the Clintons and all their buddies work.

  11. Epstein is on a beach in Israel.
    He did his part on the play.
    He blackmailed hundreds of politicians over the years and served the masters well.
    Good for him. Enjoy retirement.

  12. What's the Clinton count up to now?


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