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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Conservative Supreme Court justices seem ready to allow Trump to end DACA

A closely divided Supreme Court on Tuesday grappled with whether to allow the Trump administration to bring an end to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

After more than an hour of arguments, the court’s conservative wing of the bench appeared ready to side with President Trump in his efforts to rescind the program, which was started under President Barack Obama in 2012 and provides legal protections for young immigrants.

The dispute is one of the most closely watched of the Supreme Court’s blockbuster term, and hanging in the balance is the fate of 700,000 Dreamers, the name given to those brought to the United States illegally as children and shielded from the threat of deportation. A decision by the court is expected by the end of June, in the heart of the 2020 presidential campaign.



  1. Send BACK ALL Illegals Period !!! They are owed NOTHING from America !!!

  2. They stay and then they bring in more and then the count will be 2.1 million so send them back home and all the ones they have brought with them.

  3. Get a new group of US Marshals to gather up all of the illegals and those who harbor them and kick them out!


  4. DACA is there via Zero's pen and imagination, and was illegal since it contravened existing law.

    President Trump has an eraser and is just as entitled to use it. Game, set, match on this point.

  5. Time to take of AMerican KIds NOT Illegals !!!!! Period


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