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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Colin Kaepernick Proves He’s A Fraud


  1. It's because of Crapernik and others like him that I watch very little NFL football.Most are a bunch of ghetto thugs that would be in prison if they couldn't play football.

  2. More distortion and distraction. Making it about ANYTHING other than what it is about.

    Defame and discredit the person making the message, but never, EVER, actually address the point being made by the person, or what they are saying.

    Smear them, insult them, slander them, ad hominem them till the cows come home but NEVER, EVER, actually accurately represent the point they are making or what they are saying.

    Because in the market place of ideas when you can't win the argument... you move the goal posts and attack something else.

    1. just what are you trying to say? You speak in one language and listen in another

  3. 9:06...there is no point and you know this but people like you just won't admit it. I've seen your BS posts on here before and your argument can't persuade people on here because our logic and patriotism is strong. It will be your undoing...smh

  4. I wouldn't hire that ungrateful anti USA POS to take my dog to the vet.


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