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Monday, November 25, 2019

Chick-fil-A Put an Obama/Hillary Supporter in Charge, but Dumped Christians

Chick-fil-A’s announcement that it was dumping the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which have come under attack by gay activist groups, caught Christian fans of the fast food chain by surprise. It shouldn’t have if they had been paying attention to CFA’s corporate structure.

The donations were coming out of the Chick-fil-A Foundation. The Executive Director of the CFA Foundation is Rodney D. Bullard, a former White House fellow and Assistant US Attorney. Some may have mistaken him for a conservative because he was a fellow in the Bush Administration, but he was an Obama donor, and, more recently, had donated to Hillary Clinton’s campaign while at Chick-fil-A.

Like many corporations, Chick-fil-A branded its charitable giving as a form of social responsibility. Bullard became its Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility. Unlike charity, corporate social responsibility is a leftist endeavor to transform corporations into the political arms of radical causes. Like other formerly conservative corporations, Chick-fil-A had made the fundamental error of adopting the language and the infrastructure of its leftist peers. And that made what happened entirely inevitable.

In an interview with Business Insider earlier this year, Bullard emphasized that the Chick-fil-A Foundation had a "higher calling than any political or cultural war." The foundation boss was preparing the way for the shakeup that was coming in the fall. Even while he claimed that the CFA Foundation had a higher calling than a political or cultural war, he was preparing to accommodate the Left’s cultural war.

More here


  1. It’s cheaper and healthier to make the chicken sandwich at home. So thanks for doing this because I’m saving money and taking ownership of my diet.


  2. I'm not sure what they were thinking here, but I wish they would not have done this.

    I don't think Chick-fil-A has to do virtue-signalling to say they aren't "hateful".. they treat everybody with love and respect. Even though they held fast to the Biblical principles against homosexuality, they still treat the customer with love and respect, regardless of what the customer believes-- not discriminating against anyone. "Love the sinner-- hate the sin".

    On the other hand, the alphabet activists have been nothing but hateful, vengeful and obnoxious, doing their utmost to disrupt and destroy the business and the owners (kinda like they did to the cake bakers that wouldn't affirm their lifestyle and values.)

    So... who is doing the "hating" here? Who are the 'victims'?

    I think the owner of Chick-fil-A made a mistake putting this Obama/Hillary supporter in charge of their 'social outreach'. Time will tell whether Mr. Cathy agrees and fixes this problem. If he doesn't, I think it will have dire consequences for his business.

    I don't think this choice was made to gain access to a certain 'market segment' and increase sales as some prior commenters have proposed.. we all know that's a phony argument.

    It's simply capitulation-- caving to the social pressure. They may still be able to salvage the situation, but it is unlikely that they will ever return to what they were in the eyes of conservatives.

  3. I don't choose what food to eat based on politics FYI...


    2. No paper ass, Patriot is correct

    3. Are you really really really sure ? Or just a troll ? Please let me know...


  4. bully

    transitive verb
    1 : to treat (someone) in a cruel, insulting, threatening, or aggressive fashion : to act like a bully toward bullied her younger brother

    2 : to cause (someone) to do something by means of force or coercion was bullied into accepting their offer

  5. Needed to think this thru and not jump because liberals said so,look at the BS governor in Va just ride it out and it goes away.

  6. That was the only fast food place I patronized.

    Now there are none.

    Here's to a healthier, less expensive diet!

  7. On election day I vote with a ballot. The rest of the year I vote with my wallet and Chick Fil A,I vote no.

  8. Too bad. When their profits begin to drop. They'll open on Sundays. That will be the beginning of the end. They will be just like all the rest.


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