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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Capitol Building To Be Decorated As Giant Circus Tent For Duration Of Impeachment Hearings

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In honor of the impeachment hearings beginning this week, the Capitol Building has been decorated to look like a giant circus tent.

As soon as congressional maintenance staff heard that the impeachment hearings were going to begin, they went into storage and got out "the Big Top," also used during the Kavanaugh hearings last year.

"We keep the Big Top on hand for certain situations," said one staff member. "Usually these big inquisition-style trials, that kind of thing. They're great entertainment. And the kids love the monkeys."



  1. Listen closely and you can smell the popcorn and hear the calliope.

  2. Demoncrats should have to PAY for ALL costs they caused !

  3. Bigger than Barnum & Bailey baby !!!! Alot of CLOWNS !!

  4. These Kangaroo hearings should be ILLEGAL !!!
    If not, then damn well make it that way ASAP !!!

  5. Alot of Trapeese artists (Democrats) trying to fly around

    court rules, to keep the circus going !!! Fact

  6. Time to take away their Safety Net !!! Let them fall on their asses !!!

  7. Alot of Snakes in the act !!!


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