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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Buttigieg camp to return donations from Kavanaugh lawyers: 'We believe the women'

Pete Buttigieg’s 2020 presidential campaign said it will return thousands of dollars in donations from two female lawyers who represented Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh during his 2018 confirmation hearings.

The move comes after The Guardian reported Wednesday that the South Bend, Indiana, mayor’s campaign received $7,200 from Alexandra Walsh and $2,800 from Ms. Walsh’s law partner, Beth Wilkinson. The campaign said that while $3,150 of Ms. Walsh’s donation had already been returned because it exceeded limits, the rest would also be returned to both women because of their connections to Justice Kavanaugh.

“With nearly 700,000 donors, a contribution we would otherwise refuse sometimes gets through,” the campaign spokesperson told The Guardian. “We believe the women who have courageously spoken out about Brett Kavanaugh’s assault and misconduct, and we thank the Guardian for bringing this contribution to our attention.



  1. I guess he identifies with women? Just another sicko?

  2. He can't make it true, no matter how hard he believes. He'll get some votes for it.

  3. Virtue signaling asshat. I bet the lawyers are glad to get their money back now that you have revealed yourself.

  4. Well, naturally he believes the politically motivated lies of sick, twisted perverts. Birds of a feather.

  5. Yet another good reason he shouldn't be our President!

  6. His role in the "relationship" is the wife; that says it all. Sorry Pete, America is not ready for you.

  7. How's poor old lying tool Christine Blasey Ford doing with her $650,000 in GoFundMe donations? California took 2/3 of it, just to show how behind her the state really is.

  8. He's really full of BS and a whole lot of it. No, Pete, America is not ready for you and your husband in the White House.

  9. At least his entire campaign isn’t based on him liking dudes and how oppressive it’s been...


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