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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business Groups Warn Against Tax Hikes to Fund Kirwan Reforms

ANNAPOLIS, MD – SEIU, the union representing public schools, colleges, and universities, has recommended that Maryland raise taxes an additional $1.6 billion annually to fund the Kirwan Commission’s recommendation for a large increase in school funding. NFIB, the Maryland Chamber of Commerce and the Maryland Retailers Association—partners in protecting the business community in Maryland—warn that any drastic increase in state taxes will ultimately fall upon taxpayers and small businesses.

“The union said they propose raising taxes on ‘profitable corporations and super-rich individuals,’ but large employers can easily pick up, move to a business-friendly state, and take their employees with them. We’ve already seen it happen in Maryland,” said Mike O’Halloran, state director of NFIB in Maryland. “Then any massive increase in school funding falls on the backs of small businesses and all taxpayers who are left holding the bag.”

“The Maryland business community has a longstanding commitment to supporting education, and this misguided proposal will hamper our ability to continue to invest in educational programs and workforce development opportunities for students across the state,” added Christine Ross, president and CEO of the Maryland Chamber of Commerce. “In addition, it will hurt our small businesses, who make up 92 percent of companies in the state and employ more than 1 million Marylanders.”

“This union-backed plan of more taxes will create an untenable situation for small businesses, their employees, and Maryland taxpayers,” said Cailey Locklair, president of the Maryland Retailers Association. “Labor unions are going back to the well with this plan. The public understands more taxes mean less opportunities for growth.”

The SEIU report also suggests a number of changes to the state’s individual income tax laws. Among the proposed changes are:
  • Increasing the state’s highest marginal income tax rate to 7 percent for Marylanders earning $1 million or more annually;
  • Initiating combined reporting for businesses operating in multiple states on the amount of business they conduct in Maryland;
  • Eliminating some tax credit and subsidy programs; and
  • Lowering the state’s estate tax exemption limit.

To read more, CLICK HERE


  1. We do not need to spend a fortune on the schools. We need to expand juvenile detention facilities.

  2. There you have it folks!! And your local band of misfits, mainly Dunn and Day are major supporters of this ridiculousness

  3. Nope, Dead set against it. Start operating as a business. If current administrative staff and teachers do not meet standards, it's time to dismiss them and hire others who ARE capable. This defines productivity, not based on race, just ability to perform to standards. No acceptance of lowering standards. That doesn't work. It just rewards underachievers to pass and society has to pay for their shortcomings.

  4. Damn, I hope this state doesn't turn into California. We'll be taxed to death. Retired people on fixed income will have to move. And they don't care who moves as long as they tax the shit out of us.

  5. LOL - the non-profiteers dictating tax policy - that's RICH!

  6. When will you ass hats learn, that you are the govt's bank, and they will take all of your money even if you are to stupid to see that this is all by design, or even if the politicians themselves are to stupid to see the big goal of the govt...

  7. Hogan's buddy, according to Hogan, is on a course to destroy Maryland living. Hogan is all for it and guess what it is a Democrat proposal / initiative not a Conservative Republican plan. Education has enough money in its system that they misappropriate. The educational system needs to be held to strict accountability on what is going for students instead of Administration cost and desires. There is no accountability and no desire for it, since the educational system has destroyed the system and has it on the edge of irreparable. That tells you the incompetent leadership of these so called educated leaders. Seems like that can't add 1+1=2-1=1. These are the ones setting policy. That is the destruction of our educational system.

  8. More money for a corrupt union. Why do government workers need a Union?? You can't get fired. Just look how stupid all government workers are. None of them are lighting the world on fire. They do nothing and get more money for it. Look at the AFSCUM UNION for the states. They do nothing but protect MORON'S.

  9. This article just gave four areas where taxes could be raised. It can be a little confusing at times. So let me give you a single line item tax to demonstrate how it could effect YOU! In order to generate the revenue needed for Kirwan, Maryland sales tax would have to increase to 10.7 cents. So for YOU personally, how does this feel. Jon E. Jrr.

  10. I thought that all of the casinos they built in Maryland were going to pay for schools.

    1. That's what they said. But they got ALL the kickbacks from the lobbyists. We get to hold the bag AGAIN.

  11. Typical - the school system is not working so throw more money at it - Democrats feel that's the solution.


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