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Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Behavioral specialist, 62, gets two life sentences after he raped and impregnated two patients

A former employee of a Virginia nonprofit for disabled individuals has been given two life terms in prison for raping and impregnating women with mental disabilities.

Fairfax County Judge Bruce D. White described the crimes of 62-year-old Bernard Betts-King as 'so vile' as he handed down the maximum sentences Friday, the Washington Post reported.

Betts-King pleaded guilty in July to raping the women - who attended day programs at the MLVE Community Center - 'through use of their mental capacity'.

It's reported the 33-year-old victim has the mental capacity of a 12-year-old and the 22-year-old victim has the mental capacity of a five-year-old but when confronted with the evidence, Betts-King allegedly told investigators that the women 'came on to him'.



  1. How Do You Spell S I C K !

  2. Of you look at all these so called non-profit organization like this. You'll find many more POS like this one. They can't help themselves.

  3. It's the usual suspect, racial profiling I guess

  4. Death sentence would be best

  5. Blacks always looking for a weakness to capitalize. Go to ANY Drug and alcohol rehab. You'll see ALL the blacks hitting on the white girls. What can they do?? Everyone with ANY AUTHORITY IS BLACK.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: Another read no further, as we all know the demographic involved. Certainly the victims where not of the same. I’m really reaching the total fatigue point regarding that demographic. This behavior can not be allowed to continue and eventually there will be a backlash. One can only hope.


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