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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Baltimore’s Answer to High Homicide Rates and Low School Performance? Ban Plastic Bags.

What do you do when your community faces crushing poverty, failing schools, and disturbing homicide rates?

In Baltimore, the answer is: Ban plastic bags, of course. Yes, Charm City is saving the world, one plastic bag at a time.

The Baltimore City Council passed a citywide ban on retailers’ use of plastic bags at checkout on a 13 to one vote Monday. If that weren’t enough, the city will now put a 5-cent charge on paper bags.

The legislation now awaits signature by Mayor Bernard Young. If he signs it, it wouldn’t take effect until late next year.

Councilwoman Danielle McCray was the sole vote against the measure. Though she supported the ban on plastic bags, McCray opposed the new 5-cent tax on paper bags.

“I know that pennies add up,” she said on Baltimore’s WJZ-TV Channel 13. “I know that dollars add up, and my vote will be a consistent ‘no’ when it comes to unnecessary taxes on my constituents.”



  1. when in doubt raise taxes

  2. The plastic straws are the root cause along with super-sized soda drinks.


  3. Paper bags put zero strain on city resources, so what is the purpose of the proposed tax other than to lift cash out of citizens' pockets?

  4. Think of the funds they could get if they taxed stupid politicians

  5. It is to encourage people to bring their own reusable bags.
    I have seen it work in other places but the stores actually gave you a 5 cent credit to use your own bag.

  6. Thank you old wise Democrats your wisdom is breath taking.

  7. So much for our trees

  8. Just an idea. Have the City Council put the plastic bags over their heads. Now breath, inhale, if it doesn't work repeat, Ya see it's the same a raising taxes for something that doesn't work. It sounds insane doesn't it? That's because it is. Where do these politicians come from? I guess they are products of our education system, Hmm.

  9. Baltimore a once great city has become a joke. Build a wall around Baltimore and let them kill each other.

  10. Once paper bags are eliminated, where will the $ revenue come from to fill the gap? A paper napkin tax? How about a restroom paper towel tax, or a toilet paper tax?

  11. Baltimore should be the destination for "Boy Wonder" our mayor, shame we have to wait four more years to get rid of him due to stupid voters.


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