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Sunday, November 17, 2019

Baltimore Murder Crisis Could Hit Record, About To Record 300 Homicides For Fifth Straight Year

The murder crisis in Baltimore City could set a record this year.

The current homicide count is 296 as of Sunday afternoon, following a fatal shooting Saturday morning.

In the next week, the murder count could breach 300 for the fifth year in a row.

With 57 days left in the year, the city could record the most murders ever, would need to break 344 homicides, a record that was set in 2015.

Councilman Leon Pickett, who represents Baltimore's seventh district, told CBS 13 Baltimore that the murder crisis is "unacceptable."



  1. There you go Baltimore, overachieving again!

    1. Baltimore should hire that reader with the registered hands to eliminate the city's criminal element with discreet prejudice

    2. Waiting on the call now, my registered hands are ready

  2. Maybe they should hire another black police chief who can "relate" to the black foke. They can always make more stricter gun laws. That always seems to work.

  3. This time hire another white police chief so you can blame him next year.

  4. "I'm hoping they will all go inside since it's cold."

  5. The elites are safe that’s the only concern.

  6. Let them woller, in the hole they dug. Too many Years of democrooks rule to give two chits now

  7. Nothing to fear...cause the late cummings wife will soon appear

  8. Baltimore SUCKS. Especially if you are white. Talk about being a Target.

  9. Those darn out of control Amish youths

  10. Maryland's "Justice Reinvestment Act" certainly plays a role in this...the piece of garbage law is a joke... they will say how well it's working... recidivism reduced...more people get through parole or probation.. truth is that probation agent's hands are tied, as well as judges, commissioners... It takes many steps to violate a person before a potentially dangerous criminal is locked back up, then the parole commission will often not violate the person, but close case..it makes the statistics look better..it's all a lie.

  11. If they are killing each other, (thugs, undesirables, etc.), stand down and get the hell outta the way and let them.

  12. How's that new way over paid commissioner working out for you there baltimorons ?

  13. I love how the black leaders call murdering thug's "CHILDREN". That's embarrassing.

  14. These fools need to turn their guns on the political and social leaders that have abused them, stolen from them and betrayed their communities with impunity.

  15. Northwest Woodsman: Disarm blacks. Problem solved. I guarantee they are responsible for almost every murder and gun related crime in Baltimore and every other city for that matter. Truth is inconvenient and insensitive but someone come back and refute my allegations. I’d be willing to listen.

  16. Start paying them a living wage for killing rats and cleaning up garbage. Two birds with one stone, problem solved.

  17. Northwest Woodsman: somehow I just wrote a response to11:42 and it ended up with the article on the weather. I’m not paying attention this morning.

  18. Can't wait to hear Jake Day backpedal when all this becomes a constant problem here in salisbury. It's inevitable Day and you should be shamed when the chaos is out of control

  19. If there are 5 blacks per 100 people, everyone applauds how diverse the community is.
    At 5-10% there is an occasional spike in loudness, but it's usually isolated and brief.
    People are usually too embarrassed to say anything, and it temporarily abates.

    At 10-20%, disturbances rise dramatically. People occasionally hear loud hip-hop music from a passing vehicle, yelling, and fighting-- usually later & later at night, as an outgoing signal of rising 'diversity' in the community.

    At 20-30%, the loudness & behavior is so disruptive that well-meaning families begin to stop going to certain public areas. Fights occur to establish dominance, and fights between females occur in parking lots, usually over a male.

    At 30-40% minor public incidents give way to more serious crimes, and somewhere in the community the first felonies occur, targeting the elderly or defenseless.

    Reaching 40-60% we see an atmosphere that is so loud, dangerous, & unpredictable that it interferes with peaceful activity. At this stage people's gut sense of "safety" in the community is eroding. Anticipating the unexpected starts to factor into simple decisions like going to the store or getting into one's car.

    At 60-75% you can expect covert drug use, and concealed guns. Good and decent families are moving away. At this stage loud bass thumping from cars is now an advertisement for illegal drug sales.

    Now, at 75-85%, walking down the street is a risk. We find hair-trigger, unprovoked violence, usually targeted against those of other races. Calls to 9-1-1 demonstrate slower & slower response times. Local businesses deteriorate, as does the general condition of the neighborhood. The last of the liberal, die-hard families vacate the community they have cherished for decades.

    At 85-95%, the public institutions in the area (schools, libraries, etc.) slowly wither from lack of use. Consumer places (food stores, day-care centers, etc.) show graffiti & territorial gang signs, and gang membership now outweighs the number of non-gang people. Drug sales & prostitution are open and obvious. A gunshot is heard every week. All businesses which are still in operation (liquor stores, stereo wholesalers, etc.) have bars on the windows.

    Once a population of 95-100% is reached, there is debris everywhere. A large number of dwellings are ruined or burned-out. At this stage, the economy of the community is nearing total collapse, and good jobs do not exist. Emergency services infrequently patrol for fear of risking officers' lives.

    The name of the neighborhood is now synonymous with violence & gangs.
    At this stage the spread of this condition bears characteristics similar to the unchecked spread of a virus, and adjacent communities begin to show signs of following suit

  20. Call in the B-52's !!!


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