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Sunday, November 03, 2019

Are You Scared Yet?

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg took to Twitter on Halloween to mock her detractors by posing as herself – saying she terrifies her critics.

The teenager, who has left school to travel the world preaching her message of climate salvation, said she scared “a bunch of angry climate crisis deniers” without having to dress up.

Posing in a black-and-white photo with her trademark “school strike for climate” placard, she said she did not celebrate Halloween in Sweden but “thought I might give it a try'” if it meant she could affront her critics.

Last week Thunberg took aim at her opponents in a different way, threatening to quit Facebook if the social media platform refuses to silence her critics, as Breitbart News reported.

More scary stuff here


  1. WHY hasn't her kids been arrested for keeping her out if school X 1 yr ? HOW IS THIS ALLOWED.

  2. Such a pity that evil comes in all sizes, shapes and genders. Yet I do not blame this misguided child. She is obviously being channeled by a greater force that wants to attract the youth and impressionable ones seeking a cause. Her stance on subjects appear to be coming from a spoiled brat, typical of bottom-feeding, shallow-thinking revolutionists.

  3. That's right you little commie - "silence your critics". Seems like Miss Thunberg has an inflated view of herself and her importance. So listen up Brunhilda, I will say and think anything I damn well please at any time I damn well please and you don't need to like it. You see, in America we have inalienable rights and protections to free speech. (Unless you piss off a Clinton then you die). Just a thought but have you ever heard that you catch more flies with honey then vinegar? Do you really think that your nasty little stare scares the American people? Get a life and maybe smile every once in a while, it would do you a world of good.

  4. Who uses Facebook anymore anyway.

  5. Freak. Your parents have failed you.

  6. Arnold gave a 150k Tesla to use while in America. She also flys private now.

  7. I'm a 200# grown man. I thought it would be funny to dress up like her for Halloween with her little piggytails and all, walking around with a climate sign saying: "HOW DARE YOU!".

  8. she isn't terrifying. what is terrifying are the number of adults who take these children as spokespersons and experts while ignoring true experts.
    There is no man made climate change. This is simply natural being nature. Climate is cyclical and sometimes the changes are rapid. NASA reported their findings years ago. Other scientists reported this years ago and recently 500 scientists reported this again.
    This is about global politics and elitist power.

    1. They are running out of things to tax so now they tax carbon. The basis of all existence. Think about that a minute.

  9. She is the Albert Einstein of climate change.
    She has no actual knowledge. She is just a talking head skipping school.

  10. Children should be seen and not heard and know when to keep their whining pie holes shut.

  11. This brat needs to go home and play with her baby dolls. Does she have parents or are they not allowed to tell her what she can and cannot do?

  12. The LEFT is using her and she is incapable of understanding this. so sad...

  13. we used to have these mentally ill people institutionalized now we either elect them and let them tell us how to live!
    so who's the crazy ones here?

  14. This child needs mental health care.

  15. The Omen movie comes to mind whem i see her! I get a Creepy evil kinda feeling.

    This is for you damien!!

  16. Hers is a face worthy of a horror movie.

  17. In a conversation yesterday, with one of my clients in California, he said: "How's this civil war going to go?" (This guy is a 50 year old "Frog Man" who served on our submarines, and he's very well informed and very well armed). I replied: "This one won't be between the States, like in 1861, it will be in our Neighborhoods."
    The leftist "Americans" are as close as Next Door for many of us! They're the ones who don't have any freeze dried food & ammunition stockpiled who will become the looters when the poop hits the fan. They will be the ones who have no god but Big Government. We won't need to go to them...they will come to us!

    1. Why is a frog man serving on a submarine? Why is a aarp elder considered as good back up? Why does being a prepper automatically make the person a Jason Bourne action hero? Why am I asking a troll lol.

    2. Junior this is your mother speaking get off the computer and clean the basement

  18. It is obvious: she works for intelligence

    No teenager does this. Skip school on Fridays? How about expelled from school?

  19. Greta's wacko parents are destroying the future of this mentally ill child.

  20. 307 so it their is a civil war and you have a submarine your buddy can help you? Cool.

  21. Free ride at Harvard!! Guaranteed

  22. Effing little commie.

  23. Crazy parents produce craZy kids.

  24. My buddy was a frog man assigned to copier maintenance. He told me civil war isn’t so civil. He has food for days under his trailer and a large knife. He just turned 79 but he is ready

  25. She looks like a nasty little tart!


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