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Thursday, November 14, 2019

AOC: Impeachment ‘About Preventing a Potentially Disastrous Outcome from Occurring Next Year’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Situation Room,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said today’s public hearing in the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump was ”not just about something that has occurred.”

She said it was instead “about preventing a potentially disastrous outcome from occurring next year.”

Ocasio-Cortez said, “The whole point of the public hearings is to present the facts to the public and let the general public see the facts for themselves and understand why we have chosen to move forward with the impeachment inquiry. What we heard today was astounding and devastating news for the president and anyone in the administration, really partaking. Frankly, this is devastating for the country."



  1. What is devastating is ...YOU!

  2. Whats that bartender? Another 4 years where dems dont get their way? So disastrous!

  3. So, in other words, the democrats are using a taxpayer-funded hearing/investigation as their 2020 presidential campaign.

    1. They have no money and are in debt. Sue them now for tax payer money to be returned. It is against the will of the people and is theft

  4. Heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another you’ve been messing around. Everyone sing!

  5. She finally said something truthful.

  6. Was she even born when they did this to Bill Clinton?
    Star dragged his feet for years because he had nothing and Lewinsky popped up.

    Same old dog and pony show.

  7. Democrats don’t know how to win anymore so this is their strategy?

  8. This is a textbook lesson in absolute power corrupts absolutely,how the Democrats are allowed to continue without any oversight is third world stuff.

  9. This is a repeat, I've seen this show before.



    It's like Deja Vu all over again, LOL!

  10. Is she carrying Bernies child?


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