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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Americans Ignore Democrats’ Demands To Watch Their Impeachment Farce

Does anyone really believe the conclusion of Democrats’ impeachment “inquiry” isn’t predetermined? President Trump was guilty the moment he won the 2016 election — guilty of denying Democrats the massive spoils of federal power. Every moment since has just been searching for a pretext to remove him from office without an actual election. First Spygate, now the “impeachment inquiry.”

So it’s no surprise that just 13 million viewers tuned in for the first day of televised impeachment hearings last Wednesday, many fewer than for the Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford hearings last fall (20 million viewers) and for James Comey’s Russiagate testimony (19.5 million), according to early Nielsen ratings reported by Axios.

Since an estimated 304.5 million Americans have a television set at home, that means about 4.3 percent of them watched. For another comparison, a record 137.5 million Americans voted in 2016 and many millions more Americans are watching NFL games this fall (game viewership ranges between 10 and 23 million, with most at 13 million and up).

CNN legal analyst Jim Baker shook his finger at these naughty Americans on Twitter, insisting it’s our solemn obligation to watch Democrat-rigged impeachment theater as if we live in “1984” with Big Brother’s televisions always drilling into us what to think.



  1. Guilty of quid-pro-quo and of giving positions away for campaign donations.

  2. It's during the work day. You're not taking into account the people who are reading about it.

  3. I don't watch fiction.

  4. the news channels should be havin real news. This is just a waste of time.

  5. Would rather watch paint dry

    1. I would rather watch commicrats hanged by the neck until dead, over and over nd over. I love repeats

  6. Our solemn obligation to watch the clown car empty out at the circus? I think not, sir...I think not! Besides the majority of the people you are hoping to sway to your way of thinking are working Americans who are doing their jobs, unlike your hero democrat pseudo-lawmakers in Washington, DC...

  7. I’m watching and I’m sick of Democrats. They want to destroy our country.


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