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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Alexander: We Are Surging Across the Demo Divide

The Patriot Post is, first and foremost, a resource for “grasstop” influencers, the leaders of grassroots constituencies across our nation who are doing the heavy lifting for Liberty in their communities and states.

We serve them well, but we are also focused on extending our reach across ideological lines in order to grow our Patriot ranks. Many conservative organizations are content to “preach to the choir,” and that is important work. But we endeavor to reach far beyond that conservative chorus.

Over the years, we’ve found some effective ways to broadly expose those without much political bearing to our timeless conservative message. One of the most cost-effective ways is through social media. There, our content is shared person-to-person with family members, friends, and associates of varying perspectives — one of the best ways to reach outside ideological echo chambers. Just one of our posts recently reached more than 3.5 million people across the political spectrum, and we publish more than one hundred social media posts each week.

While social media may reach far, we generally consider its influence to be comparatively low — so we are utilizing more effective means of spreading our message to a broader audience in order to draw in those who have been previously considered unreachable.

Making a much deeper impact across political lines, particularly the racial divide, would be our YouTube influencer partners like Anthony Brian Logan.

But the most powerful incursions we’re making through the Democrat Party’s racial lines are the result of our young black “grasstop” influencers, whose hard-hitting grassroots outreach is recruiting others to Liberty and Freedom.

More here


  1. What we need to ask is do we want to set a precedent here with Trump? Would we want a Democrat in the White House with as much power as Trump currently has to do whatever they want with no consequences?

  2. President Trump is #45 so that precedence 10:54 has been set. In recent memory #44 seems to be the current standard. By listening to yesterdays inquiry we learned what democrats think is going on and with history and "hot mics" we know for sure what went on under Obama. Consequences for what?


  3. You'll note, 10:54 (if you're being honest) that Mr Trump has had MANY things he wanted to do and tried to do, but was blocked by either legitimate congressional actions or through bogus lawsuits and activist judges.

    So your idea that his 'power' is so broad is also bogus. There are 3 co-equal branches. Though at least one is being sorely abused by the left, they still remain.


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