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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Adam Schiff is wasting the nation’s time with impeachment hearings

In their first day of public impeachment hearings, Democrats made clear just how weak their case is.

In beyond-dull testimony, the Dems’ first witnesses, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent and US Chargé d’Affaires in Ukraine Bill Taylor, noted their displeasure with the fact that there were “two channels” (a “regular” and an “irregular” one) to Ukraine, and at some point the goals of the two diverged.

Taylor and Kent complained that President Trump conditioned US aid on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announcing that his country would investigate corruption, specifically: Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election and payoffs to then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter.



  1. The entire main stream media and the dumbocrats and most of the billionaires in this world are against us. Period!

    Vote Trump 2020 !!!!!

  2. Let's BILL the Demon-crats for the cost of it , so they can't

    use Any Taxpayer $$$ then this shhht will STOP Quick !!!

    and for the last Witchunts too !!!! Over 30 million $$$$

    Take it from Democrat's campaign fund !!!

  3. a Real Judge needs to ORDER Schiff & Congress to STOP !!

  4. All the dems do is waste money and time.

  5. It is a great investment and small price to pay when Democracy is protected

  6. Demoncrats think they are the Supreme Court & in fact they

    ARE NOT A COURT AT ALL !!!! Just a JOKE !!!!

  7. Where is the SEPARATION OF POWERS ???

    Congress thinks they ARE ALL 3 branches of Govt !!!!

    Not so in my American Constitution !!!

  8. The SECRET meetings Demon-crats held , barring the
    Republicans is ILLEGAL & they should be Prosecuted !!!

    Lock up these damn Egomaniacs & throw them the Hell OUT
    of Govt !!!

  9. This arrogant SOB & his co-conspirators (esp Pelosi )

    should be thrown OUT of congress & any Govt job ever

  10. They need a taste of their own medicine (Democrats)

    Let's probe into Hillary / Lynch /Obama / Clapper/ Schumer

    Brenner / Schiff / Adler / & the rest !!!!

  11. Plenty of FACTS & PROOF ON THEM !! None on Trump

    Why NOTHING done about it ??? WHY

  12. Deep State needs to be put to an End !!!! 2020


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