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Thursday, November 07, 2019

ABC News Execs Have Identified Former Employee Who Leaked Hot-Mic Footage

ABC News executives believe they know the identity of the former employee who accessed footage of anchor Amy Robach expressing frustration that her story about convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein had been shelved.

Two sources with knowledge of the situation tell me that ABC News executives know who the former employee is but don’t know if that person leaked the footage to Project Veritas, the right-wing activist group, or if they shared it with others who leaked the footage.

In a statement, a spokesperson for ABC News told me, “We take violations of company policy very seriously, and we’re pursuing all avenues to determine the source of the leak.”



  1. They take the act of leaking the footage seriously... but not the fact that they helped cover up a person harming children? Seems like the norm in America today.

  2. And he was immediately canned as a whistle blower

  3. Very sick world we live in these days

  4. right, now there's the REAL outrage!

  5. and he/she was fired

  6. The leak isn't the problem. Nor is the leaker.

  7. Amy did the right thing with keeping her mouth shut. And now after the hot mic she walked everything back. It’s not like she works for Disney ! Surely they wouldn’t protect a sex trafficking monster ? #clinton20/20

  8. Caught with their pants down?

  9. Please.
    ABC (and the others) are controlled by intelligence. They are literally propaganda. Americans are being mind controlled.


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