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Tuesday, November 05, 2019

A Viewer Writes.......Jake Day is a fraud

Jake Day is a fraud. Jake Day posted this on his Facebook campaign page knowing damn well this isn't a Salisbury City airport and he did absolutely nothing to obtain this grant from the State of Maryland. It is a Wicomico County airport and the city or Jake Day, Muir Boda and Jack Heath did absolutely nothing to obtain this grant and they know it. Everyone should vote each of them out if office for this FRAUD!


  1. Please vote jake "OUT" today !!!

  2. Wow! WTH is Jake Day thinking? I’m glad I voted for Wayne King and I encourage all voters to get out and vote for Wayne King.

  3. I just gonna say it if the County Council supported the Executive branch the County would be getting the credit they deserve as well. Remember Cannon cut the budget for PIO for the Executive branch. Cannon also endorsed Day. SMH. Please vote him out Cannon needs to go.

  4. This is definitely a big F'n Lie! Jake Day had nothing to do with this.

  5. This has Len Foxwell written all over it.

  6. So this is all "the great things" Jake Day does. Proof that Jake Day does absolutely NOTHING!

  7. What part of CITY water do you people not understand.

  8. April "Inaction" Jackson is the city council rep assigned to the Airport Commission. Problem is, she can't be bothered to attend the meetings. She's showed up about three times in four years for the monthly meetings. She's not earning her keep on council and needs to be removed..

  9. Exactly why King should be in office. He would not have done this.


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