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Sunday, November 03, 2019

A Viewer Writes........11-1-19

Carl Anderton, the Selfie Queen, like his girlfren Jake Day is now doing videos on Twitter. This clown is and embarrassment to Wicomico County and the Eastern Shore! Who elected this dumb clown? Check out his two videos where he is trying to be so cool with "Cornbread." He is so dumb that he doesn't know what to talk about so he tries to name other Delegates and he struggles with that and almost causes an accident while distracted driving. What he is doing is against the law and we elected this guy to abide by the law and he fails! Using your cellular device while driving is a blatant violation of Maryland Law and Cornbread Anderton is clearly violating the law while driving. Check out these two Twitter videos made by the "cool" Cornbread Anderton.

Carl Anderton Jrv@carlandertonjr ·Oct 29

Thank you for the opportunity to work for you.. #MakingItHappen


Carl Anderton Jr @carlandertonjr · Oct 30

Awesome day working for you in Annapolis! #MakingItHappen #RollinWithCornbread


Editor's note: You do not need to have a twitter account to be able to view the videos. 


  1. WOW, the premium cigar and tee shirt give me a great deal of confidence in his qualification to do his job! It is no wonder and State and our Nation have turned in to a goat rodeo.

  2. Joe, have you seen that Fake Day is already inviting people to his "Victory Party" Tuesday night? Guess Jakie already knows what the election results will be, hmmm.


  4. Could not agree more. He is an embarrassment to the Eastern Shore Delegation in Annapolis. No wonder our issues/concerns aren't taken seriously....

    That being said, if my memory serves he ran unopposed last time he won? A shame.

  5. Cornbread Anderton! Love it!!!! Lol

  6. Everybody uses cell phones while driving, at least everybody that has one. That's a lame thing to take issue with. Even the ones that say they don't, do when it rings. They can't resist seeing who's calling them. If anyone is serious about "not breaking the law", then they should turn the device off when they start the car. But hey, NOBODY does that.

    1. 3:03 Just had that discussion today. You see I do not ever text or answer my phone or even check who it is while I’m driving. It stays inside my purse. There is not one person in this world that is important enough for me to text while I’m driving. Not my kids nor my hubby nor my grandkids. Whoever it is can and will wait til I’ve made it to my destination. Really it’s quite simple. Not sure why people like you have a problem with it. So no not “everyone” does it. Besides two wrongs don’t make a right. So what’s your point?

    2. Thanks for your advise Mary Poppins.

    3. 7:07 Thanks😏😉

    4. She is not Mary Poppins. She is the voice of reason - Obama doesn't have the copy right on that term. Use common sense - do not use cell phone while driving. Also, ever heard of Bluetooth? 😂

  7. I always liked Carl when he was at Washington High. Having said that, I’m embarrassed at myself for having watched this. And what’s the cool level with the cigar in video two, is that a manliness play? Man, I don’t know. Politicians, all you need to say.

  8. he really likes himself.

  9. Please quit picking on Carl. He is merely assembling his forces and expanding his horizon in preparation for his run for Governor.

  10. I hope Michelle is never using her phone while driving!

  11. Maybe Cornbread should not have done the video while driving. With that said i can name a person a year and a half ago running for a public office caught doing something far worse with a un-named female in the car that wasn't his wife! So those in glass houses should not be throwing stones! When you do rocks can boomerang back at you.

  12. Cops Should have pulled his rino ass over.

  13. Is Carl driving a Tesla????....hands-free driving????

  14. November 1, 2019 at 5:44 PM:

    Quite frankly, I don't believe you. If you have "kids, hubby, and grand kids" with cell phones, you can't resist pulling that phone out and seeing who's calling. It might be an emergency! I don't believe you at all. If you said you turn it off, I MIGHT believe you, but you leave it turned on for a reason....so you can see who's calling. "Waiting until you get to your destination to see who it is", holy crap, nobody believes that grandma. You aren't fooling anybody with your attempt to show how you are more responsible than anyone else. You have it with you, and you keep it turned on. That's my point. And even though you deny it, you pull it out and check it when it rings. Clear enough?

  15. November 1, 2019 at 5:44 PM:

    I notice you don't say you turn your cell phone OFF while driving, just that you leave it in your purse. I think the point is why are you leaving it turned on so you can hear, and see who's calling? We all know the answer. Still don't get it? We know you are just like everybody else, or you would turn it off in the car. Your denial isn't fooling anybody.

  16. 8:09 Ok I didn’t realize I had so many people riding with me😂 Here’s a tidbit for ya. I don’t really give a flying f who believes me 🤷‍♀️ Just because the rest of you have your phones stuck up your arses doesn’t mean I do. Oh and guess what. I have NO social media accounts either😱 Oh the horrors😱😂😂 Sorry guys I’m just not a phone whore like the rest of you🤷‍♀️

  17. When my phone rings while I'm driving I answer it but I tell the caller to hang on a minute until I can find a place to pull over. Maybe not 100% legal but a hell of a lot safer than talking or texting while driving.

  18. Why are his pupils constricted??

  19. Fact is Carl Anderton is RINO. Just check his voting record.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Everybody uses cell phones while driving, at least everybody that has one. That's a lame thing to take issue with. Even the ones that say they don't, do when it rings. They can't resist seeing who's calling them. If anyone is serious about "not breaking the law", then they should turn the device off when they start the car. But hey, NOBODY does that.

    November 1, 2019 at 3:03 PM

    "That's a lame thing to take issue with."

    When you hit me or my kids head-on because you are on your cell phone I'm going to Fk YOU up! Tell me how lame it is now!

  21. He has a very limited vocabulary I've noticed. Is that the best that we can send to Annapolis?

  22. Anonymous said...
    I always liked Carl when he was at Washington High. Having said that, I’m embarrassed at myself for having watched this. And what’s the cool level with the cigar in video two, is that a manliness play? Man, I don’t know. Politicians, all you need to say.

    November 1, 2019 at 3:23 PM

    Wait! You went to Washington High School with him? He is telling some people he graduated from Crisfield High and telling others that he graduated from Parkside High?

    Does anyone know if this Kool Moe Dee even graduated from high school?

  23. Anonymous said...
    Maybe Cornbread should not have done the video while driving. With that said i can name a person a year and a half ago running for a public office caught doing something far worse with a un-named female in the car that wasn't his wife! So those in glass houses should not be throwing stones! When you do rocks can boomerang back at you.

    November 1, 2019 at 5:32 PM

    Details please, or it didn't happen.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Please quit picking on Carl. He is merely assembling his forces and expanding his horizon in preparation for his run for Governor.

    November 1, 2019 at 5:02 PM


  25. Anonymous said...
    I hope Michelle is never using her phone while driving!

    November 1, 2019 at 5:22 PM

    Who? What?

  26. Anonymous said...
    3:03 Just had that discussion today. You see I do not ever text or answer my phone or even check who it is while I’m driving. It stays inside my purse. There is not one person in this world that is important enough for me to text while I’m driving. Not my kids nor my hubby nor my grandkids. Whoever it is can and will wait til I’ve made it to my destination. Really it’s quite simple. Not sure why people like you have a problem with it. So no not “everyone” does it. Besides two wrongs don’t make a right. So what’s your point?

    November 1, 2019 at 5:44 PM

    Thank you!

  27. Anonymous said...
    he really likes himself.

    November 1, 2019 at 3:38 PM

    He thinks he is a pretty boi. I think he likes men.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Cops Should have pulled his rino ass over.

    November 1, 2019 at 6:23 PM

    That is what I was thinking. He deserves some tickets just like his boyfriend Jake Day. Remember when Jake lost his drivers license for failing to appear? Yep.

  29. Anonymous said...
    November 1, 2019 at 5:44 PM:

    Quite frankly, I don't believe you. If you have "kids, hubby, and grand kids" with cell phones, you can't resist pulling that phone out and seeing who's calling. It might be an emergency! I don't believe you at all. If you said you turn it off, I MIGHT believe you, but you leave it turned on for a reason....so you can see who's calling. "Waiting until you get to your destination to see who it is", holy crap, nobody believes that grandma. You aren't fooling anybody with your attempt to show how you are more responsible than anyone else. You have it with you, and you keep it turned on. That's my point. And even though you deny it, you pull it out and check it when it rings. Clear enough?

    November 2, 2019 at 8:02 AM

    You have absolutely no right to speak for other people. Quit being a RINO Jerk!

  30. Anonymous said...
    8:09 Ok I didn’t realize I had so many people riding with me😂 Here’s a tidbit for ya. I don’t really give a flying f who believes me 🤷‍♀️ Just because the rest of you have your phones stuck up your arses doesn’t mean I do. Oh and guess what. I have NO social media accounts either😱 Oh the horrors😱😂😂 Sorry guys I’m just not a phone whore like the rest of you🤷‍♀️

    November 2, 2019 at 10:20 AM


  31. I hope "my man" Carl Anderton runs for County Executive in 2022 because that means he will be vacating his Delegate seat and losing the County Executive seat. Can't get here soon enough.

  32. Anonymous said...
    She is not Mary Poppins. She is the voice of reason - Obama doesn't have the copy right on that term. Use common sense - do not use cell phone while driving. Also, ever heard of Bluetooth? 😂

    November 2, 2019 at 8:24 PM

    I'm not sure I get the Mary Poppins reference. Any way to elaborate so those of us that don't know will understand?

  33. What is everyone here driving, 20 year old cars and don't have bluetooth? Anyway, Carl is an absolute MORON!!! Has no ethics. Will jump on anyone's coattails just to keep his delegate job so he doesn't have to work.

  34. Coming to this blog won't do anything. The slumlords like the weisner and Gillis are the problem. Just sit in their parking lot and look at the lowlifes that walk through the door paying rent. When you have 10,000 registered to vote and only 2000 do?? That's the problem. Low turnout is what these fool's pray for.

  35. November 3, 2019 at 11:43 PM:

    HaHaHa, and there's your "voice of reason." Like we said, nobody believes you, and your true colors have been exposed "grandma." Thanks for verifying.

  36. When you hit me or my kids head-on because you are on your cell phone I'm going to Fk YOU up! Tell me how lame it is now!

    November 3, 2019 at 11:24 PM:

    No you won't, because YOU'll be the one that's dead, or Fk'ed up. Just how big ARE those anonymous muscles? Yep...lame. BTW, the worst offenders, besides young drivers, based on empirical evidence, are middle-aged women, and yes, some grandmas. I commute 100 miles a day, and see cell phone use by drivers EVERY day, but only a few are men, usually men in work vehicles.

  37. November 3, 2019 at 11:42 PM:

    I spoke for myself, no others...jerk! But then again, she fooled you! I can see why. Naive much? Or are you just oblivious?

  38. Everybody see how "law abiding Grandma with hubby and kids, and grand kids" suddenly turned into a mealy-mouthed old hateful person? It's easy to expose some people. That's my goal. I'm satisfied.


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