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Friday, November 08, 2019

5.8 Million Individuals Off Food Stamps Under Trump

More than 5.8 million individuals dropped off food stamps since President Donald Trump completed his first full month in office, according to the latest data released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The most recent USDA data shows that 5,896,383 people discontinued their participation in the nation’s food stamp program— also known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)— since February 2017 when Trump completed his first month as president.

Individual and household participation in SNAP had consistently declined overall since 2013 back when the Obama administration was in power, and enrollment in the program reached its highest point in U.S. history.

Food stamp enrollment plummeted after states passed reform measures to curb dependency on welfare, requiring food stamp recipients to work, volunteer, attend school, or receive job training for 20 hours per week.



  1. This is why they hate Trump

    They all enjoy freebies under Obama and other Democratic jerks

  2. This is why the Dems want millions of illegals in so they will have voters, those off foodstamps have jobs now.

  3. I think people are much happier when they are working.

  4. Prosperity through productivity, has a nice ring to it doesn't it?

  5. Once we get another bleeding heart, corrupt, POS democrat back in. It will be business as usual.

  6. Gotta be in the trillions .. those on food stamps by now ..unreal for sure !

  7. trump should be impeached. my business has doubled in the last 2 years and its hard to keep up. i need a break.


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