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Friday, October 25, 2019

Zombie Nation? The Democratic Party Is Dead, And Everyone Knows It But Them

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, thought to have finally retired from politics after an embarrassing electoral loss to a politically-inexperienced reality show personality, is threatening to enter the 2020 race, serving up reheated Cold War fearmongering and an ironclad sense of royal privilege to a Trump-weary populace. A morally and fiscally bankrupt Democratic Party is poised to enable this sick drama with the help of a spineless and compliant media.

How could this possibly happen? Surely Democrats learned their lesson after their decision to take Clinton’s money in order to stay financially solvent in 2016 required them to rig the primaries in her favor, a crime that likely tanked her candidacy when it was revealed by WikiLeaks? Surely the mainstream media realizes that, three years on, the preposterous Russiagate conspiracy theory they cooked up to defend her has ripped the last shreds of journalistic integrity out of the mainstream media establishment?

Just kidding — the Democratic Party and its media handmaidens bargained away their morals long ago. They’re aiding and abetting a Clinton comeback, wheeling her out to give her opinion on everything from the latest steps toward peace in Syria (bad, needs more war) to the 2020 candidates. Last week, she took aim at Tulsi Gabbard, the best hope the party has of getting voters excited enough to show up in 2020, claiming (without a shred of evidence) that the National Guard major and former DNC chair is being groomed by Russia to act as a third-party spoiler, handing the election to Trump. Had such a claim come from anyone else, the DNC would have slapped it down. But they know on which side their bread is buttered. They’d rather lose than defy their queen.



  1. Yep ,...that is exactly why the Republican party is bleeding members.

  2. She is a skank that needs to go hide in another country, because now that that the russia investigation her freedom is going to be restrained. She is an enemy of our country and its people


  3. Hillary Clinton is a psychopath. Everybody knows that, but they would support her running anyway if it is the path to power.

    It's all about p-o-w-e-r. They will do whatever it takes to get it and keep it.. which is a clear indication that she isn't the only psychopath with a 'D' after her name.

    This will be plainly revealed in the next days as the democrat party is exposed for their activities to rig the 2016 election, and their attempted coup following that failure. It is going to get ugly.

    But even with all that, they will shamelessly continue to do whatever they think will succeed in retaking power in 2020.


  4. Just like the GOP is a shell of itself. Deficits are largest since 2012 and not a peep of the party of “Balanced Budgets.”

    1. Balanced budget, is that all you have 337

  5. Slick Willie started the demise of the dumbocrat party but Obummer sealed the fate along with the fake news media.

    Dumbocrats are all liars cheats and thieves!


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