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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Windsurfer Recalls How A Planned One-Hour Excursion Turned Into An Overnight Adventure

DEWEY BEACH – A longtime resort physician says he is lucky to be alive after a windsurfing trip last week left him stranded in a Delaware bay for hours.

Last Thursday evening, Victor Gong – an Ocean City emergency physician for 30 years – went windsurfing off Dewey Beach. But his hour-long excursion soon turned into an overnight adventure when the sail detached from the board, leaving him stranded in the Rehoboth Bay for roughly six hours before making it back to shore on the other side.

“I was planning to go out for an hour, launch at 6 and get in by 7 because it gets dark by 7:45,” he said. “I did a few runs coming back in, but coming back my sail dismantles from the board and I couldn’t surf back in.”

Gong noted he made several attempts to reach land in the hour that followed. When the current had prevented him from swimming to shore, he tried to reattach his sail, but to no avail.



  1. Think I will change doctors

  2. Gong has always been weird and referred to as a quack. He used to put a fake ambulance out in front of his office to advertise and make it look like it was an emergency department.


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