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Monday, October 14, 2019

William Barr warns of 'militant' secularism in speech about declining religious values

Attorney General William Barr said declining religious values and the loss of the “traditional moral order” is causing many of society’s ills.

Speaking at the University of Notre Dame Law School Friday, Barr said that because of a “moral upheaval” there has been an increase in drug use, children born out of wedlock, and people being alienated.

“The campaign to destroy the traditional moral order has coincided and I believe has brought with it immense suffering and misery. And yet the forces of secularism, ignoring these tragic results, press on with even greater militancy,” the attorney general said.

Barr, 69, is a devout Catholic. During the speech, he touched on efforts by the Justice Department to assist faith-based organizations that fight for religious liberty. He also warned about the “progressive” movement in U.S. politics.



  1. Barr is correct. Just look at the rainbow initiative in Salisbury. Prime example of decay in morals. All this led by Jake Day.

    1. dont forget Josh Hastings , Sue Olsen , The deceased Jackie Finch, and the P.A.L.S organization, and many others

  2. He has no right to speak about "traditional moral order". He is in Trumps pocket

  3. 1:27 That is total BS. Anybody who doesn't support the DEMOCRAT THUGS and LIARS like Biden and Hillary is considered in TRUMPS pocket.I SMELL A YELLOW DOG DEMOCRAT with no sense of reality.

  4. He is not in Trump's pocket 127

  5. To 1:27 PM … You state "he has no right to speak" says quite a lot about what you know of the 1st Amendment. The far left are pure bullies when it comes to those who disagree with their ideology.

  6. Yet he's speaking at ND. They themselves are the biggest offender. This University is the biggest non Christian School. This once great institution has become everything AG BARR had talked about. Just like Georgetown. Covering religious statue's because Obama would be offended?! These Christian Universities are just like any other public school. SELLING THEIR SOULS FOR THE ALMIGHTY BUCK!!

  7. Total and utter unsubstantiated and unsupported nonsense.

    For CENTURIES this sort of scare speech has been used in one form or another to assert power, using religion as the cudgel. Moral decline of society is a garbage argument that you find in all times and places. Nonsense I say.

    70% of America is Christian. 3.1% of America is atheist. The rest is some other form of religious affiliation. When 97% of the country is religious in some way... how do you get to argue religious decline is causing "moral upheaval"?

    When almost all government representatives, leaders, judges, and presidents on the local, state and federal levels have been almost exclusively Christian for all of our countries history, how can you possibly have the hubris to make these claims?

    This is CLASSIC us vs them to rally votes, and sometimes worse, to smuggle in more theocratic control and take back actual freedom.

    I would like Barr or anyone to explain what "militant secularism" is please, other than inflammatory language and scare tactics? Secular simply means no religious preference or without religion. The ONLY system of government that protects religious liberty IS a secular government, as it gives no preference to one over the other... and it is the very foundation of our Republic. Theocracy is exactly the antithesis of what America is and stands for.

  8. Wow 7:40. Your post is entirely unsubstantiated and unsupported nonsense. Fact's are fact. You can say whatever you like. Doesn't mean it's the truth. It's a shame you wrote such an UNSUBSTANTIATED post. If only you had done a little research first. Pitty.

  9. @ October 15, 2019 at 9:34 AM

    Really? What part? The Fact that people have been complaining about moral decline for pretty much forever? or the percentage of the populations that identify as religious... 97% of the country is a religious decline? Or that all of the leaders of our country have been all most exclusively religious? Or pointing out that militant secularism isn't a thing?

    No... looks like you came to the discourse with nothing, and my post was nothing but substantiation.

    I am happy to be wrong and correct the course, but you'll need to actually contribute to the conversation. See, how that is done is like I did... I pointed out that the claims were unsubstantiated, then backed up my case with facts.

    Let's see if you can change my mind.. but try so with actual ideas, you know, research a little first.

    Pity only has one "t" in it.

    1. Hahaha. Typical libutard. They can read and write like no other. Even use the dictionary. Too bad they can't think for themselves. Always posting from the libutard playbook. LMAO

  10. @ October 15, 2019 at 2:44 PM

    Hahaha. Typical troll. Posting like trolls do, and as per usual without any substance or facts.

    BTW, I'm a Conservative Republican who voted for Trump, that happens to think for themselves and doesn't just parrot what my preferred news media entertainment source feeds me.

    I invite you, yet again, to try to change my mind. I am willing to do so if persuaded by compelling facts and arguments, but that's the thing isn't it? You would need to defend your position with actual data, facts, points and substantiation, not just hurling ad hominems.


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