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Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Why Can’t Dems Treat Trump as Fairly as Republicans Did Bill Clinton?

The White House informed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi yesterday that “the Executive Branch won’t play along with the lawless ‘inquiry’ that House Democrats have been engaged in,” the New York Post editorial board writes.

“White House counsel Pat Cipollone’s letter to Pelosi spells out the problems. While the Constitution clearly gives the House the power to begin impeachment proceedings, it does not give the speaker the privilege of declaring them all by herself.”

Precedent is on President Trump’s side here, the Post writes. Unlike impeachment inquiries against Presidents Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon, Speaker Pelosi never called a floor vote to open proceedings. Instead, House Democrats are deposing witnesses behind closed doors, denying Republican colleagues fair time to ask questions, and “leaking negative info and withholding favorable facts — feeding fanatically anti-Trump media to repeat slanted interpretations as fact.”

Click here to read more.

The letter: Read the White House’s full response to Democrat leaders.
Once again, the media got a key detail wrong about the “whistleblower” attack against President Trump. “The whistleblower's possible bias was not that he was simply a registered Democrat. It was that he had a significant tie to one of the Democratic presidential candidates currently vying to challenge President Trump in next year's election,” Byron York writes in the Washington Examiner.
“First lady Melania Trump announced on Tuesday afternoon that she had—ceremonial shovel in hand—marked the start of construction for a new White House tennis pavilion on the South Lawn,” Kate Bennett reports for CNN.
“President Trump awarded the Medal of Freedom Tuesday to Edwin Meese III, calling the former attorney general ‘a titan’ and ‘a star,’” Marisa Schultz reports for the New York Post. Meese served as U.S. Attorney General under President Ronald Reagan.


  1. Democrats are enemies to this country...

  2. The things Clinton and Trump are accused of are vastly different.

  3. At least Nixon used Americans to drum up dirt

  4. Yes one is real, the other is fictitious 9:00


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