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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What Did You Do Today?

You will simply not believe this guy's job.

Wife: "So, what did you do today ?"

Husband: "I changed a light bulb"

Wife: "That's all ?"

Husband: "Yea, but I filmed it."

click here


  1. I'd want a parachute on too. Lol

  2. Don’t know and don’t care how much he makes.....but it sure as hell ain’t enough!!!!

  3. Put the hard hat on right please....

    1. Mind your on business 4:41, it's his hard hat, he can wear it as he damn well pleases. Hard hat manufacturers say that if the the hard hat is designed in such a way that the liner can be installed backwards or forwards, then the hat hard can be worn safely in either direction. As an industrial electrician I wore one backwards my whole career, OSHA actually has no rules on this. Just a control issue from people like you. Go back to your desk and look for something else to whine about

  4. Hell of a way to earn a living!
    No matter what they pay him, its not enough!

  5. 4:41 he's got the hard hat on correctly,he doesn't need anything restricting his vision in any direction. You obviously have never had a job that required a hard hat so why don't you stop being such a nit picking a$$ hole.

  6. Yikes! Talk about nose bleed height. More cajones than I have for sure.


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