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Sunday, October 13, 2019

What Can YOU Do About Violence At Our Local Schools

For so many years your local media covered up the violence at local schools. While I was black balled by the BOE for so many years because I was the only one willing to stick my neck out and expose just how horrific things had become, I was put aside. However, as SBYNews grew your local media had no choice but to start exposing it. This was my entire goal with SBYNews, change the way things were reported locally.

Today our sources have grown to the point we get information in real time and we are able to get it out there so the public is aware. However, many of you are misinformed by pointing fingers in the wrong direction. 

Jake Day and Bob Culver can do NOTHING about the BOE. They, (the BOE) are autonomous. The only thing they can do is stop any additional funding above and beyond maintenance of effort. That's it! What YOU can do is start attending BOE meetings and voice your concerns and demands. YOU need to hold these leaders accountable and demand immediate action. 

These kids are young and impressionable. Fights are one thing but each and every one of you need to think, what's next? Until examples are made, something bad is coming to your schools and that includes teachers getting hurt. If a teacher speaks out they will be retaliated against by the administration. Remember the old phrase, "Only You Can Prevent Fires"? Well, only YOU can stop the violence. You can't expect this Site to change everything. It takes a community and for crying out loud you need to get off your rear ends and do something about it before something really bad happens. The time is NOW!


  1. My mamma always said "fight fire with fire" , just need to think of a way to burn the BOE a$$es . Money won't solve a thing , we have tried that for the last 60 years , build them this and that . You got the right idea , take the money away from the BOE . I'm glad my children and grandchildren are grown .
    My suggestion would not be published because it is too violent in this day and age. Not so 50 years ago.

    1. Yes, Fight fire with fire
      In other words "Burn Some Asses"

  2. Parents need to storm the BOE meetings in large numbers to get anything accomplished. Go and confront them at their next meeting. You must come in large numbers and you may have to go more than once. Demand the change!!! Picket outside of their Northgate office in large numbers! Organize a rally! Parents standing up for their children and demanding change will be the only way for change to occur. Like Joe said, teachers are powerless and will be retaliated against by the BOE.

  3. Parents need to send a message to the county by keeping their kids home for a day....To start.

  4. It is partly the BOE but the parents are the only ones who can really make a change. Some(alot) parents stick by their kids no matter what and threaten to sue the school and the teacher. Some parents are just raising future prisoners.

  5. The parents of violent children should be held accountable.

  6. Joe you have LITTED a FIRE under my A$$ to go down there and talk to them people TODAY! We MUST get this situation under CONTROL!!!!

  7. You're right Joe. When/Where is the next BOE meeting?

  8. Picked my children up at 930am. Already 2 fights by then. Yesterday was 9 and pepper spray

  9. Joe can you come to the next BOE meeting and be our leader?

    1. He doesn’t have any kids at the school. This is the problem. If you are a parent of a child then you should be leading and taking the charge to the BOE. Joe should have to lead you to stand up for your kids. This is the sheep mentality that has us in this situation. The next meeting is in November but the Superintendent has open door meetings where she will meet one on one with individuals for 15min each from 4-6 next Wednesday

  10. Joe, your misspelled grammatically erroneous skreed shows your maturity level. Next, your redneck supporters chime in and from the looks of their comments, none graduated from school.

    1. Those who can, do. Those who cannot, critique.

    2. I saw one misspelled word. Probably a typo. So what's your issue?

    3. At least we weren’t given a free pass due to low expectations

    4. Stop trying to use words you don’t even know how to pronounce!

  11. At 72 I saw all this years ago...my sister worked in the office and always told us that 'we would NOT believe what happened today, and you won't see it in the news'. Like I said, this was many years ago; knives, drugs, guns, assaults, rapes and more. I removed my child from the Public schools YEARS ago because of this. Still NOT understanding why parents continue to put up with this crap. Parents, not only is this taking place on a daily basis; your children are NOT being Educated, they are being Indoctrinated through Common Core. Your children have been 'dumbed down' for Many years and you don't even realize it. On the days fights are taking place or the school is locked down; they are not even in their respective classrooms. Is this really what you want? AGAIN; this has been going on for Many years. Get your children out NOW and at least, give them a chance for a TRUE Education. It's your responsibility.

  12. I appreciate you telling where the source of the issue is. Joe is right. It is the board. They think they are untouchable. They are directly responsible for many of the things being covered up.

  13. 11:35, Let's see, I retired at 40 years old. While I never graduated high school I'd say I did pretty well for myself. Then came Salisbury News. The hits are controlled by Google, not me and we're at 73,000,000 hits, hmmmmm. Never went to school to be a journalist. Then came Caribbean Joe's. Yeah, that poor education really destroyed me, NOT! Should I mention the real estate empire I have, sold and even am the mortgage holder? I think I just made YOU look pretty stupid.

  14. I understand that Bob Culver and Superintendent Hanlin went to SMS this morning. I don't know that ANY BOE member saw fit to visit the most recent "safe in place" situation.

  15. You guys are failing us!! The School system is broke..more money WILL NOT FIX IT. So i have a Blue collar solution.
    What we need is:
    To Throw off the chains of the FEDS dictates and state BOE Fat & BS..that should be first order of bussiness.
    Second-set ridgid core standards,shove common core where it belongs
    third-open reform schools back up.
    fourth-the state funds reform schools
    fifth-vouchers cover the schools that survive.
    Sixth- hold parents more accountable for the problem kids. Shaming always worked. Maybe we should bring that back.. Certainly trying not to hurt anybody's feelings is not working.

    A Vouchers system will direct TAX dollars to schools that produce results en force discipline and actually educate our children instead of indoctrinating them. Then some of the current indoc centers could be remodeled as reform schools which is basically what they are now anyway. 

    Vouchers could grow more local smaller functional education programs. 
    However I'm sure the powers to be will scream, cry, kick, resist any attempt by us to regain control of the education system. Maybe even grammer nazi my tirade...why? Because they are scared to lose control of the scam. 

    We can no longer stomach the staus quo. If it continues to be run by overpaid incompetent, PHD Tax sucking bureaucrats. Stealing dollars from the classrooms to pay fat useful idiots who dont realize their policies dont work
    Time to try something different

    School vouchers !!

  16. You guys are failing us!! The School system is broke..more money WILL NOT FIX IT. So i have a Blue collar solution.
    What we need is:
    To Throw off the chains of the FEDS dictates and state BOE Fat & BS..that should be first order of bussiness.
    Second-set ridgid core standards,shove common core where it belongs
    third-open reform schools back up.
    fourth-the state funds reform schools
    fifth-vouchers cover the schools that survive.
    Sixth- hold parents more accountable for the problem kids. Shaming always worked. Maybe we should bring that back.. Certainly trying not to hurt anybody's feelings is not working.

    A Vouchers system will direct TAX dollars to schools that produce results en force discipline and actually educate our children instead of indoctrinating them. Then some of the current indoc centers could be remodeled as reform schools which is basically what they are now anyway. 

    Vouchers could grow more local smaller functional education programs. 
    However I'm sure the powers to be will scream, cry, kick, resist any attempt by us to regain control of the education system. Maybe even grammer nazi my tirade...why? Because they are scared to lose control of the scam. 

    We can no longer stomach the staus quo. If it continues to be run by overpaid incompetent, PHD Tax sucking bureaucrats. Stealing dollars from the classrooms to pay fat useful idiots who dont realize their policies dont work

  17. OK so how do we the people hold the BOE accountable for their actions !!
    any ideas ??

  18. Joe/SBYnews staff - any way to correct the video problem? Everyone needs to see this, including sr. mgmt. at the boe

  19. 11:35
    Michele Gregory thanks for showing your racism. I hope all the voters in Salisbury see that comment before they vote in the city election. Oh yeah btw, anyone that told you that red lipstick looks good on you lied! Ha! It's like lipstick on a pig!

  20. "If a teacher speaks out they will be retaliated on by the administration". I've heard this for years. If that were so then the teachers union would have done something by now, yet no one can show one example. Go to a board meeting and bring out your complaints. Try and bring some facts instead of repeating what you see on blogs.

  21. Michelle Gregory said...
    Joe, your misspelled grammatically erroneous skreed shows your maturity level. Next, your redneck supporters chime in and from the looks of their comments, none graduated from school.

    October 11, 2019 at 11:35 AM

    Hey Michele Gregory, you misspelled your first name?? Speaking of redneck, what's it like to be a Social Justice Warrior with a redneck background. You are the one that is very uneducated. Sadly we all know you have a mental illness and that is why you lost your daycare job.

  22. The issues on this blog always turns into a pissing contest between the commentors. And it's so damn funny! Hahaha.

  23. What can be done. Let's start with Donna Hanlin resigning and then make the Bd. of Ed. hire a real leader, not one that was forced to "retire" already like Dr. Hanlin. Since she wasn't already employed at the time shouldn't that have been their first clue that she was worthless. So is her damn husband.

  24. Just to be clear, the violence is in our PUBLIC schools. Local private and parochial schools don't put up with such behavior.

  25. There is an open door session with the superintendent next Wednesday look on WCBOE for more info. More parents more difference we can make!

  26. Easy Solution....

    Make the school ECI ANNEX II

    Put up guard towers...with armed staff...

    with a 12 foot high fence with Sally Port gate to let the kids in and out

  27. I think all the teachers should flood every meeting until the end of the school year (THAT IS - IF SOME OF US MAKE IT UNTIL THE END OF THIS SCHOOL YEAR) because
    WE ARE TIRED OF RC(room clears) due to a child deciding they don’t want to do the work or didn’t get what they wanted when they wanted it! and start throwing chairs and whatever else they can get their hands on, destroying the room and endangering the other students trying to learn and us teachers,
    WE ARE TIRED of being bitten, punched, spit on, and having objects thrown at us,
    WE ARE TIRED of parents not taking responsibility for there child actions and behaviors,
    WE ARE TIIRED of not being able to teach because there are so many behavioral issues in the classroom
    WE ARE TIRED of the how UNFAIR it is that good kids who do what they are supposed to do have to suffer with more distractions that keep them from learning, and the anxiety and trauma it causes them to the point they are scared to come to school!!!!
    WE ARE TIRED of the testing and mandates and extra stuff put on us as a result of the sh*&&y common core liberal red tape BS agenda,
    WE ARE TIRED!!! and nothing is going to change until we all take a stand together as a UNITED front and say WE ARE TIRED OF THIS AND WE ALL DESERVE BETTER especially the GOOD kids!!!


    So I will be attending every meeting standing up for our profession before it’s to late and the good teachers are pushed out for good!!!

    1. Why isn't the union taking the lead on this? Where is our union? Where are you WCEA/MSEA?

    2. It's not a union problem, idiot. It's a parent / child problem

  28. look if your employer is failing to provide you with a safe work environment then sue the boe, and the county! easy peasy!
    Don't play the union game!

  29. I agree before we have a Columbine wake up and make changes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Northwest Woodsman: I have a thought.regarding elimination of violence in schools. Before you (moderator) s**t can my comment please hear me out. The answer is SEGREGATION! By that, I don’t necessarily mean black vs white, I mean kids who have the ability and want to learn should be segregated from those who are incapable and who continually disrupt classes. Have special schools for them which basically would be a teen daycare facility where some limited instruction would be available but limited to their capacity to learn. You might even include some serious disciplinary training in place of any academic courses which they neither understand nor have interest in.

    1. Very well said.

    2. Northwest Woodsman ,

      great comments

      They do however have facilities the house the ones that disrupt...

      They are called PRISONS

      a number of these brats will commit crimes .....bc they cannot think and reason for themselves

  31. I see again that many are educated beyond their intelligence level. Working in the trenches is far and above a better learning experience than any degree hanging on the wall from a left wing wacko liberal college indoctrination program and especially in the teaching field..

  32. 1202 NW: This has been a debate for decades now. Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous grouping in the school system. Sadly, our boe or admins feel like the above average students can lead by example in the classroom, thus bringing up the below average students. Instead what happens is the teacher is forced to teach to the weakest child in the room. It has created a huge mess, and many kids are seeing and feeling the frustration of "john" constantly disrupting the class and are bored and not learning. I have seen this happen in the primary and middle schools in our area.

  33. Show up for the PTA for starters. Parents today are just plain lazy. Too lazy to go to parent teacher meetings. Too lazy to drag their asses out of bed on Sundays to take their rug rats to church. Too lazy to get involved in school activities. Too lazy all around. They depend on the school system to do the rearing for them.


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