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Monday, October 21, 2019

West Wing Reads

The Pelosi-Schiff Impeachment Farce Has No Respect for Due Process

“Earlier this week, Rep. Denny Heck, a Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee, told reporters that Republicans ‘are darn lucky these [impeachment hearings and depositions] weren’t public,’” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) writes in the Washington Examiner.

“Implication: The information coming out is horrifically damaging to President Trump. Reality: If the information was truly damaging to Trump, Democrats would hold open hearings and would have already released transcripts of the testimonies.”

Click here to read more.
“Developing countries that want to do business with the United States must do more to empower women and give them better access to the workforce, education and legal protections, White House adviser Ivanka Trump said on Friday,” Andrea Shalal reports for Reuters
“The 2017 tax reform law was a once-in-a-generation tax cut for America’s families, small businesses, and workers. A huge part of that victory was that we were able to bring hope and prosperity to communities that have been left behind through new Opportunity Zones,” Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) writes in the Washington Examiner
“Both men accused of a horrific gang-related murder in the Seattle area last week are illegal immigrants, ICE said on Thursday, heaping more attention on the region’s sanctuary city policies,” Stephen Dinan reports for The Washington TimesBoth men have ties to MS-13. 


  1. Time to Impeach THEM !!!! Long Overdue !!!!

  2. At bare minimum for using a shadow government, make them enemies of state for institution of a coup, make them pay restitutions from their personal holdings to the tax payers for grossly misspending tax monies on fake investigations, investigate all of them and their families at the full counter Intel level to see whom has made them rich off their public service (they obviously aren't smart enough to save money that well).

  3. There is so much corruption in gov and law enforcement that it is almost impossible to have a legitimate investigation on these treasonous officials


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