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Monday, October 14, 2019

Welcome home! Bison released into new territory

Thanks to generous WWF supporters, bison now have 22,000 new acres to roam in Badlands National Park

The door of the gooseneck trailer clanged open and for a moment, the only sound was a lacerating wind whipping snow across the plains and canyons of Badlands National Park. A slew of onlookers waited in hushed anticipation. And then—as though a signaling bell chimed—four massive, majestic bison barreled through the opening and into the wild.

This is the first time that bison have touched this land since 1870.

Bison in Badlands National Park now have an additional 22,000 acres to roam thanks to a passionate group of supporters who want to see America’s national mammal thrive.

“Bison are North America’s largest and most iconic mammal, and WWF is thrilled to be part of an effort to create the second largest herd in the National Park system,” said Martha Kauffman, managing director of WWF’s Northern Great Plains program. “The project has touched the imaginations of people across the US, and the matching dollars that WWF has provided wouldn’t have been possible without the generosity of our supporters.”



  1. Awesome..so majestic... except the wolves are probably saying "those are the biggest squirrels I've ever seen"

  2. Love the Bisons ! Let them Rome all over anywhere ! Reminds me of The very Beginning and Such !!

  3. Hooray! Got to see many bison on a trip out west and they truly are majestic. We should be so grateful for the bounty of this wonderful country and speaking of majestic, a flock of wild turkeys is also a sight to behold.

  4. 7:25 wild turkeys are one thing we have plenty of thanks to a special effort to bring them back,not unlike the bison program.

  5. Such a black mark on the men that went out to slaughter them and exterminate the Indians. At one time there were estimated 60 to 100 Million Bison roaming the Plains.
    Makes me so sad but also glad there were a few individuals intelligent enough to stop this senseless killing and preserve the last few hundred. (the people that stopped this were NOT in Washington) we all know there is no one in politics with morals or values.

    This is a true conservation win for all Americans!


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