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Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Violence against the Citizenry Is the Left's Intent

The extreme controls and revisions envisioned by the Squad and many of the candidates for the Leftocratic presidential nomination for 2020 are actually leading not merely to vast governmental expansion, nor to a more secure future as they claim, but to vast governmental and economic collapse. The unspoken goal is to bring about the disintegration of the USA in every sector and to use violence against those who oppose them.

Although it is tempting to characterize the hatred of the presidency of Donald J.Trump as a burgeoning expression of themes that are both fascistic and communistic, that characterization would be only partially correct. Because of the ultimately destructive nature of the Leftocratic endgame — where centralized power in the name of the greater good leads to disruptions, misery, and ultimately collapse — it is more accurate to say the ultimate endgame of today's Left is murderous nihilism and brainwashing as enforced groupthink.

The primary example in this writer's life was the communist takeover of Vietnam. As a graduate student during the Vietnam War, the vector going from takeover to murder, brainwashing ("re-education"), and torture was systematically excluded from my thinking. In that time of my life, before I became a deplorable, I believed — not unlike the Squad today — that the Vietnam War was part of the Establishment's everlasting plan to crush "the people" in this country and throughout the world.



  1. hitler stalin mao all knew what it took to start their revolutions, mass violence beyond what others were willing to do. so violent that the other side would just give up. the demonicrats have no idea what they and their antifa buddies are starting. this aint germany russia china. they are sadly misjudging the american people!

  2. You know what's weird? The USA had an unprecedented run of growth, unseen in the history of the world, from the end of WW2 to roughly 1972-1973 ish.

    What happened in 1972?
    1. Ronald Regan made no-fault divorce legal in California (and many state followed ASAP)
    2. Roe v. Wade.

    It's almost if God withdrew His blessings from the country, isn't it? I'm a member of Gen-X. I have very few friends my age whose parents didn't split up in the 70's. Most of us grew up without a father. Also, I always wonder how many people my age who I'll never get to meet, fall in love with, work with, argue with, because they were killed in the abortion holocaust.

    America is getting exactly what She deserves, unless She repents. Now, go back to watching your Netflix.

  3. Go back to your mama's basement 8:55

  4. Northwest Woodsman: I’m afraid I will be one of the first confined to a re-education camp due to my political beliefs. My only hope is that I get a bottom bunk.


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