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Wednesday, October 09, 2019

UPDATED: Trey Gowdy has signed on to help Trump through impeachment inquiry: Report

Former Rep. Trey Gowdy has agreed to a request from the White House to assist President Trump as the Democrat-led impeachment inquiry moves forward.

Though initial reports claimed that Gowdy had declined an invite from the White House to participate in the president's defense, the former GOP representative of South Carolina is now on board to assist, according to Law & Crime.

Gowdy was approached by the White House this week as potential legal counsel for Trump as he prepares to fight against an impeachment investigation stemming from a July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, according to a report from CNN. Though Gowdy is an accomplished attorney, the nature of his involvement in Trump's fight against impeachment is not immediately clear.



  1. Good choice President Trump, love Trey Gowdy.

  2. Love Trey! I miss him in D.C. and welcome his return!

  3. I'd like to think Gowdy is going to be a big help to President Trump. I don't see it happening, Gowdy has proven to be all talk no action when it comes to punishing the lying criminal Demoncrat.

  4. I like Trey Gowdy, he always ask good questions and pulls no punches

  5. Nothing but respect for the man. Very knowledgeable.

  6. Too bad he didn't help President Trump when he was in office. Just like the rest of the establishment Republicans we see on TV talking big. They all say on their hands during the Mueller investigation. Cricket's. I wouldn't trust any of them.

  7. He did such a good job with his Benghazi hearings. LOL

  8. Trey is a master. He is going to finish painting them into a corner they will never get out of.

  9. He should have never let Bannon go. He's the only one that could put the " Fake News " reverse spin on this as the waters rise. We are not dealing with normal politics here. They got in on the spin and gamble and did not cover their asses and assumed their voters are just more sheep.

  10. He is really good at asking questions and exposing lies he just never does anything about it.

  11. He should practice what he preached during the Benghazi process.


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