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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Two Indiana judges were SHOT after their female colleague flipped the bird at two men

A female judge gave the middle finger to two men outside an Indiana White Castle during a night of bar-hopping before two of her male colleagues were shot, court records show.

Judicial officials filed disciplinary charges Friday against judges Andrew Adams and Bradley Jacobs of Clark County and Sabrina Bell of Crawford County over the May 1 altercation.

Court records indicate the altercation began after one of two men in a SUV yelled something at the judges, and Bell extended a middle finger at the two.

A fight then broke and Adams and Jacobs were shot. The altercation occurred about 3 a.m. on the opening day of a conference the judges were in Indianapolis to attend.



  1. Ladies,
    Might not want to pick a fight with men.
    Women used to know better.

  2. I thought judges carried??

  3. They were there to attend a conference,most likely on taxpayer dollars, but they were out drinking until 3AM?


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