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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Trump & The Kurds ... A Betrayal or A Hard Choice?


  1. Betrayal. He Left the entire region to the Iranians and Soviets by taking out our troops. If I was in the service and fought there I'd be beyond angry at what Trump pulled.
    As a citizen I see He's left the area for more ISIS and terrorist to build again.
    Wasted lives.
    And he just moved them to another place in the Middle East. So his logic makes no sense.

  2. A hard choice. period.

  3. Yeh 2:07 dammed if he does dammed if he dont Trumps trying to clean up the mess the swamp rats started

  4. Yeh 2:07 dammed if he does dammed if he dont Trumps trying to clean up the mess the swamp rats started

  5. We only worked with the Kurds to defeat ISIS in the region. The Kurds are terrorists to Turkey and set off bombs to kill civilians. The Kurdish faction in Iraq couldn't get along with the Iraqis either. They don't get along with anybody, wherever they reside. Saddam gassed them and got hung for it. The USA employed and armed to Kurds to fight ISIS, not Turkey. The old adage, the enemy of my enemy (ISIS) is my friend rules in the Middle East. Now that ISIS is defeated, the Kurds can go back to fighting their own enemies, and not ours. Trump is totally right on this one. Let the Muslims fight each other. We don't need to be involved, and not one American life is worth defending the Kurds from Turkey, who the Kurds have been terrorizing for years.

    1. Betrayal. The Kurds were our allies, we threw them under the bus when they weren’t needed. Same with our Iraqi translators who were denied visas promised by the previous administration. Shameful

  6. We’ve been in the Middle East for 20 years it’s time to leave , if our soldiers are going to die defending a border let it be our own

  7. Mr Trump had absolutely no decision to make.
    That isn't how the world works.

    Mr Trump was told what to say and pretend about the events and also what to type on the IPhone.

    He is a character in a drama.
    He knows it.
    Why don't the rest of you?

  8. Northwest Woodsman: What most people who have not served in combat in support of some third world s##t hole is that no matter how successful your efforts, they will return to their old ways as soon as you leave. You can bet that our troops protecting and training them see that it is a worthless cause and would have no issues with immediate withdrawal.

  9. When they reform you will eat your words


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