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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

'Total panic': Man shouts 'Allahu akbar' at Joker screening and causes evacuation

Police arrested a man after he caused mass panic at the Grand Rex cinema in Paris during a showing of Joker by shouting, "Allahu akbar!"

The director of the movie theater told the Hollywood Reporter on Monday that the incident was an attempt by two men to clear the movie theater so they could steal people's belongings.

"They were two thieves looking for a way to take people's phones and bags. Apparently, they had already used the same tactic once on a train," he said.

The 34-year-old suspect started saying "it's political" during the Sunday night showing of the movie before he stood up and shouted the Arabic phrase for "God is great" and started mumbling in the language.



  1. Islam is Demonic possesion

  2. Jail time Better Be Coming !!

  3. So, is the theater full of racists or is it full of people that understand that Islam is a cult of evil?

  4. Why would anyone be scared of that? Two guys pretending to be Baptist right

  5. Death by trampling, cork boots optional.

  6. 5:53 you're more hateful than any muslim I've met.


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