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Friday, October 18, 2019

The 16th Amendment: How the U.S. Federal Income Tax Became D.C.’s Favorite Political Weapon

The American Revolution was sparked in part by unjust taxation. After all, the colonists in Boston rebelled against Britain for imposing “taxation without representation,” and summarily tossed English tea into the harbor in protest in 1773.

Nowadays Americans collectively spend more than 6 billion hours each year filling out tax forms, keeping records, and learning new tax rules according to the Office of Management and Budget. Complying with the byzantine U.S. tax code is estimated to cost the American economy hundreds of billions of dollars annually – time and money that could otherwise be used for more productive activities like entrepreneurship and investment, or just more family and leisure time.

The majority of these six billion hours sacrificed by Americans to Washington each year goes to complying with a tax that didn’t even exist until 100 years ago – the federal income tax.

Worse still, this tax has become a political weapon for Washington to incentivize certain activities (home ownership, charitable giving, etc.) and to punish others. It’s a tax that follows Americans wherever they go in the world, and it’s one that was originally sold to the American people by President Woodrow Wilson as a means of “soaking the rich” during the so-called Gilded Age.



  1. The 16th Amendment was never legally ratified.
    It does not institute a graduated income tax.
    A tax on personal income is illegal.

    Yes, I too pay the money.

    We fear the government and its guns / prisons.

    We are living under Tyranny and Mr. Trump has not ended it by a long shot.
    Wake up to the full blown communism at hand

  2. Well when you actually want your government to start listening to you. Youll stop paying and they will start listening. It would take nearly nothing for employees to request 1099 and employers to stop paying.

    Within 1 year the government would bend over backwards to make sure they were doing everything possible the "PEOPLE" say needs to be done.

    Instead they cater to lobbyist and the exceptions cause the people keep paying them regardless of what they do. They lie to you and play you over and over for decades upon decades yet you just keep paying them.

    Stop paying them.

    If only 10 large conservative and or libertarian companies went public and stopped paying. It would allow hundred of thousands of small conservative business to follow.

  3. If the farmers stopped growing food for a year they would listen!!!!

    1. If the truckers stopped driving for 3 days would listen

  4. Hey 2:20 give a read of 6:05

    He covered it.
    They have guns
    And prisons


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