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Monday, October 07, 2019

‘She guards it pretty closely’

Judicial Watch recently announced that the State Department has provided a previously hidden email which shows that top State Department officials used and were aware of Hillary Clinton’s email account.

On December 24, 2010, Daniel Baer, an Obama State Department deputy assistant secretary of state, writes to Michael Posner, a then-assistant secretary of state about Clinton’s private email address:

Baer: “Be careful, you just gave the secretary’s personal email address to a bunch of folks …”

Posner answers: “Should I say don’t forward? Did not notice”

Baer responds: “Yeah-I just know that she guards it pretty closely”

Mr. Posner had forwarded Clinton’s email address, which was contained in an email sent to State Department senior leadership, about WikiLeaks.

It appears the State Department produced this email in 2016 in redacted form, blacking out Clinton’s personal email address and the discussion about Clinton’s wanting to keep her email address closely guarded.


1 comment:

  1. Of course they all knew about the illegal email server. It was condoned by Obummer himself.

    Most of the Obummer administration was side stepping sunshine laws by using alternate email accounts and identities to conduct official business contrary to the law.
    The communist Lisa Jackson the former EPA boss was exposed doing this and never prosecuted. So was Lois Lerner from IRS.

    Corruption Corruption Corruption!!!


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