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Monday, October 14, 2019

Schiff: ‘May not be necessary’ for whistleblower to testify

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff revealed that his committee may not call on the whistleblower to testify.

The whistleblower, who has been identified as a CIA official with ties to former Vice President Joe Biden, filed a complaint within the intelligence community over a July 25 phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. During the call, Trump requested that the foreign leader investigate Biden and his son Hunter, who worked in the country.

Schiff acknowledged that his committee may not call upon the whistleblower to testify if they don't think they can protect the person's identity during a Sunday morning appearance on CBS's Face The Nation.



  1. Trump has handed Syria to Putin on a golden platter. The Syrian govt (loyal to Putin) can now take over the region and the US will never be trusted again to be an ally because we left the Kurds to die. And they have been by the dozens. Daily.

    1. 9:12 Did you say that about Obama when he let Assad gas his own people?

  2. 912-The idea of Kurdish independence is a pipedream, that every single US President has said no to, dating back to Woodrow Wilson. And the Kurds used to be allied with the Soviets. Old bedfellows, in case you haven't brushed up on your regional history.

    Oh, and the Kurds have been supported by the Syrian gov't for over a year now. By allowing Kurdish fighters from different regions free passage to northern Syria, to engage the Turks. So now, it'll be Turkey vs Syria but that's actually been going on for years as well, if you weren't aware.

    And, well, the Kurdish faction PKK is a designated terrorist organization by both the EU and the US. So, maybe we shouldn't support the Kurds as much as we have...

  3. No testimony necessary in a kangaroo court.

  4. My question is "is there a whistleblower at all?" (map)


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