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Friday, October 11, 2019

Salisbury Chamber of Commerce To Sell Building Downtown & Perdue Loses Tons Of Chickens Due To Water Main Break

The Chamber of Commerce in Downtown Salisbury is bailing Downtown Salisbury right away. Their building is up for sale and they are claiming they are going to downsize. I have been informed by a very reliable source today that there are many businesses Downtown who are fed up with the construction and failed promises from Mayor Day and they too are considering relocation. It is my understanding the Chamber more then likely will not remain in Downtown Salisbury.

To top it off, Perdue lost tons of chickens yesterday due to the water main break. The rusty water contaminated everything and they lost a lot of money yesterday. To top it off, the Downtown Perdue plant remained closed today because they had to completely scrub down the rusty water stains from that water main break.

All news you have not heard from your local media but I'm sure, (just like every other story we publish) you'll hear about all of this in the coming days from your waste of mainstream media news sites. 


  1. If the businesses could hang on for 5 more years the construction will be finished.

    1. give or take 3 years but more like ten if he can steal enough money

  2. Mayor jake day is to concern killing geese, then to get construction done for those business's suffering downtown. He is a joke period.

  3. Is anything in that town being done right? What a chaotic mess Salisbury has become. Oh, but we got rainbows on the streets,and black people on the side Of nasty buildings so we can look hip, and inclusive. Meanwhile the thugs are taking over the schools. Salisbury, you are pathetic.

    1. Guess you don't mind the dirty white heroin addicts hanging w/ the blacks. You sound like the bigger part of the problem.

  4. ..and he wants to run for Lt. Governor. God help us all!

  5. I hope Perdue can sue. Jake has got to go!

    1. Hahahahahahahaha! No matter how much money they lost his Dad, the CEO of Perdue farms, is not going to take legal action against him... which is why this won’t hurt him anymore than any of the other nonsense he’s gotten away with

  6. Day is a pathetic embarrassment to intelligence


  7. If the C of C would just admit drug dealers they'd have a more robust membership roster and could afford their building. /sarc

  8. When I was young back in the 60's cars were larger on average and every business on the plaza was accessible.There weren't any obstructions to negotiate and we made out just fine.The routine maintenance involved with keeping that area humming was the only thing that needed addressing.Sidewalk replacement and street paving was the only repair downtown needed.

  9. Jay you are a looser and we always knew it, and you didn't win any election you were not opposed, run now go to your dream land the Inner Harbor see what havoc you can bring to them, but I insist you fit in better in Chicago. Good Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Imagine if all the workers who have labored on the bike lane changes had been put on the MainStreet construction - plus all is of those doing the sidewalk ramps around town — maybe Main St could have been finished in a timely manner and the other projects done afterwards.

  11. Everyone must take this outrage, and focus it on getting Wayne elected. It's not too late, but if we keep riding the downward spiral, Salisbury won't be recoverable, and there won't be anybody left willing to fight.


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