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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Republicans Say ‘Smoking Gun’ Impeachment Testimony Is Actually ‘Fourth-Hand’ Hearsay

Democrats are hailing testimony from senior State Department official Bill Taylor on Tuesday as their “smoking gun” to prove that President Trump withheld military aid from Ukraine unless they investigated former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO) tweeted, “I was in the room. Jaws dropped, heads shook in disbelief, this president and his enablers willfully put #NationalSecurity at risk to benefit his political campaign. This wasn’t just a smoking gun, it was a smoking cannon.”

Rep. Andy Levin (D-MI) told reporters it was his “most disturbing day in the Congress so far.”

However, Republicans said Taylor, the top U.S. official at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, produced no smoking gun and only recounted hearsay.



  1. Haha, democrooks are so very very desperate. I hate to tell em, but their slip is showing. They know trump is gonna win again and they can't stop it

  2. IF Dem traitors want a civil war DO IT.

    1. Let me guess, Your hands are registered!! Lol

  3. All part of the Hidden danger of the rainbow agenda and Trump is gumming up these luciferians plans...Awesome

  4. Why is the Republicans shut out? Where is the transcript? Democrats are conducting these meetings like a Communist Country. They used Russia in the last election so how is Russia involved with this invalid investigation? Russia is a Communist Country.

  5. Republicans still consider thenoriginal whistle blower a hoax despite Trumps own appointee stating the opposite. Republicans also believe the easily proven lies that spew out of Trump's mouth. All of their credibility os shot.

  6. This post is so misleading. Face it, they have the evidence, Trump even admitted to the bribery and extortion publicly. You are delusional if you believe he will not be impeached.

  7. A lie is not a bombshell.

    They're called duds.

  8. 5:38
    Soros paid troll!

    There is NO evidence other than the dumbocrats attempt to undo an election that they lost because Hillary is so unbelievably toxic.

    "This post is so misleading. Face it, they have the evidence,"

    Schitt, has stated that he has hard evidence for years now. Where is it?

    You dumbocrat criminals have been calling for Trump's impeachment since before he was inaugurated.

    You dumbocrat a$$holes are despicable!


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