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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Republicans blast impeachment resolution as 'Soviet-style' process

As Democrats move to make impeachment proceedings public, Republicans slammed the new process House Speaker Nancy Pelosi put forth, saying nothing in the new protocols has changed the restrictive and secretive nature of the proceedings.

The Washington Examiner reported that Republicans say the new process further restricts particular members of their conference from asking questions during hearings.

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise blasted the proposal Tuesday night.

“The Soviet-style process that Speaker Pelosi and Adam Schiff have been conducting behind closed doors for weeks now has been rotten to the core. We’ve been highly critical of the fact that it completely denies due process to Republican members of Congress, as well as to the White House,” Scalise told reporters.



  1. I'm all for anything that brings us closer to war.

  2. That's because all democrooks are communist

  3. For Trump ,...all roads lead to Putin

    1. Do you mean like Obama being caught on a hot mic telling Putin I will be able to help you more after my election. Screw you commie

  4. Charge them ALL & lock them the hell up !!!! Traitors !!!

  5. Agreed ,...lock them all up,...including Trump

    1. So you are either politically naive or you are and enemy of america, ignorance is forgivable but not trying to stab america in the back, we put him in there this time and will be doing it again. Go grab your tissues cupcake

  6. LOCK UP the Demon-crats !!! America is in charge (Voters)

    NOT Them !!! Two Term Limits for ALL & Remove

    Oversight powers from Congress !!!!

    Let the Courts Oversight Congress !!!! Congress Not a court !!!!


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