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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Proposed bill would make Bible courses a requirement in public schools

FORT MYERS, Fla. - A new proposed bill would make Bible courses a requirement in public schools in the state of Florida. Current state law says it's okay to offer Bible classes, but it's not a requirement.

House Bill 341, if passed, would give students a chance to learn about the new testament and old testament in the Bible.

While it doesn't require students to take the class, it is stirring up a strong debate on both sides of the issue.



  1. Wonderful idea.

    But given the left's putrid views, you'd have an easier time requiring study of Mein Kampf or Das Kapital.

  2. Why do that. All they're doing to do is turn that upside down like the rest of history courses.

  3. I think this is a problem, legally. It would be the government favoring one religion over another, unless they had a Book of Morman class, Quoran class...etc, and that would not be feasable.

    I wouldn't be opposed to a world religions/cultures class and a history of religions class. That would actually be a beneficial course for kid.

  4. The Holy Bible is a text.
    It is not a religion.

  5. I am in favor so long as they use only the Jewish sections (Old Testament).

    The New Testament is a crazy version of the Sadducees and Pharisees and should not be reading for children.

  6. @ October 17, 2019 at 12:22 PM

    So is "Atlas Shrugged", but we don't devote an entire class curriculum to it.

    To say the Bible is a text, not a religion is a slight of hand distortion, and you know it. The intent here is to smuggle Christian classes into schools. To pretend it's not is being dishonest, and I think that's a sin.... according to the text.

  7. Just call it "Basic Morals" class and teach from all the books. Right from wrong, do unto others.

  8. Sure include the Bible in literature class it's the most popular work of fiction of all time. Just keep it out of History class rooms.

  9. The Bible will be used to introduce Judaism / Phariseeism to young children.
    Not Christianity.

    Christianity is still the enemy of Talmudic theology.

  10. YESSSSSSS!!!!!! What a grand idea. Would be a lot more beneficial than sex education.

  11. Put God back in schools.


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