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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Press Release: Water Distribution to Airport


  1. Get ready for more Annexations !!!!

  2. Don't forget, everyone of you who is between point A and B of this new water line, will have to pay a hook up fee, that is mandatory, AND welcome to your new water bill you may or may not have had!!!!! Don't you just love more money being taken from you??? I know you all do, since you love taxes and love raising taxes every chance you get...

  3. The land values between the airport and city limits just went up. Jake Day and Brad Gillis own a good chunk of it.

  4. What pieces do they own?

  5. My son tasted the water at the airport water fountain. He was like, "ew.. tastes like pennies!"

    1. All water will taste like that at the end of a line.

  6. Just wait !!! Alot will be mad as hell ANNEXATION !!!

  7. And when they annex parsons burg fire dept loses territory to the city fire dept.

  8. Only required to annex if one has a failing septic system utilities are run directly in front of your property. Other than that, there's no requirement. Get your facts correct.

  9. Owners of undeveloped lands along the alignment (straight down Walston Switch Rd, from North to South):

    Choptank Electric Cooperative
    Irene E. Moore (Salisbury)
    WSR Houses LLC (Salisbury)
    Barry L. Glass (Parsonsburg)
    Guerrieri & Levinson LLC (Ocean City)
    William P. Curtis (Salisbury)
    Richard J. Smith, Jr. (Salisbury)
    Martin Ruark LLC (Salisbury)
    Florence Hearn (Salisbury)
    Nelson & Rebecca Collison (Salisbury)
    B&G Investment LLC (Salisbury)
    Wicomico County Maryland

  10. According to documents found in the November 5th Wicomico County Council Brief Book, the Airport water project has an unanticipated funding shortfall of $326,000. If Council does approve this request for $326,000, does the airport loose the $4,428,292 in grants and low interest loans? Is this why the press release proceeded the November 5th Council meeting?


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