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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Poll: 7-in-10 Voters Believe in ‘America First’ Agenda Ahead of 2020 Election

Ahead of the 2020 presidential election, the overwhelming majority of likely voters say they believe in the doctrine of “America First” when it comes to national public policy, a new poll reveals.

A poll by Selzer and Company/Grinnell College finds that the vast majority of American adults say they are America First voters, while less than 20 percent identify as socialists.

Overall, about seven-in-ten — or 70 percent — of likely voters say they are believers in America First — the nationalist-populist doctrine that guides President Trump’s agenda on immigration, trade, healthcare, and foreign policy, among others.

Meanwhile, only about 19 percent of likely voters said they would describe themselves as socialists, making the term the most unliked label for Americans. Instead, more Americans describe themselves as politically incorrect, feminists, gun enthusiasts, proud Americans, and progressives than they do socialists.



  1. The other 3 of 10 bumped their heads really hard

  2. Only a fool would think socialism is better than capitalism. Young people see no way out of mountainous debt and lack of opportunity; just goes to show they have been sheltered and can't think "outside the box". The 2020 candidates espousing socialism are disingenuous and pandering for votes; they too know the ideology is ridiculous and will change their tune if elected. Trump is certainly not a normal politician but he is helping the country swallow the bitter pill that has been needed for so long.


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