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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Politico: Beto O’Rourke Seeking ‘Eminent Domain for Guns’

Politico ran a column covering Democrat presidential hopeful Robert “Beto” O’Rourke’s government mandated AR-15 buyback, succinctly summarizing it “eminent domain for guns.”

On September 12, 2019, O’Rourke said, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15.” And on October 16, 2019, he made clear that law enforcement will visit those who do not comply with the buyback in order to “recover” rifles.

Politico reports, “After the shooting massacre at a Walmart in his hometown of El Paso, Texas, in August, O’Rourke proposed a mandatory buyback of all assault weapons—a kind of eminent domain for guns.”



  1. There are so many rifles that like the AR-15 , guess all of them will also go. Who the hell is this idiot O'Rourke , has he bumped his head. I'm retired , have been in law enforcement , try to take my rifles or ARs , better bring plenty of ammo.


  3. First of all, the shooting at Walmart was an intelligence operation and O'Rourke knows it because his script is written in Langley.

    Secondly, the US Government MUST take the guns from the population before the US Dollar collapse can be allowed to continue. The Dollar is worthless paper and everybody in the world knows it. That is why they can't sell a US Bond so the Fed buys them (literally monetizes the debt - printing currency).

    The Emperor has no clothes.

  4. He wants to start the next American revolution.

    Which bad-ass cop wants to go door to door to "recover" (like they once actually owned them) MY guns?? I suggest sending the single, gay ones first.

    As soon as the dogs start barking at 4AM, I'm headed to the front door with everything that I can carry and fire.

    When did these clowns start thinking THEY define the Constitution and the rights "We, the People" get to actually use?

    He's going to be one of the first to get hanged....and the list is a long one.

    Keep cheering for freedom, but be prepared to fight tyranny.

  5. BUILD your own AR15 While it's Legal. 80% lower.

  6. Since the government says there is no list or data base how will they know which doors to knock on ?

  7. If O'Dork's plan ever came to reality lots of people will die as a result.

  8. I agree with the guy that said government must take the guns. They can’t control cities like Baltimore and Chicago already. Imagine if things get worse!

  9. I see through you. Hahahahaha..or I soon will

  10. OATH KEEPERS ... we do not like PALSOctober 20, 2019 at 1:27 AM

    Malon LABE punk ass biatch

  11. It will never ever happen with all the southerners

  12. If they don't get them off the market the mass
    killings will continue and continue getting worse
    and worse .
    There are plenty of guns to buy for our protection,
    the AR-15 isn't needed . Why would a normal
    person want a gun like that anyway??

  13. Define normal person 4:29, you mean someone like you ??? Now that's funny I don't care who you are


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