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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Pelosi Punts On Official Impeachment Vote, Robbing GOP Of Subpoena Power

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Tuesday that there would be no vote to launch formal impeachment proceedings against President Trump for the time being.
"There's no requirement that we have a vote, and so at this time we will not be having a vote," Pelosi said.

"We're not here to call bluffs -- we're here to find the truth, to uphold the Constitution of the United States. This is not a game for us. This is deadly serious," said Pelosi after discussing with the House Democratic caucus.
A formal vote would allow Republicans to subpoena their own documents and witnesses, something the minority party was allowed in both the Nixon and Clinton impeachment inquiry resolutions - which is why the Trump administration won't cooperate until a vote is held.



  1. If it's all one sided, so be it. The Dems will again paint themselves into a corner then distract us with something else while they jump out the window with help from the MSM and globalist consortium. In the end, they'll be doing more harm than good.

  2. But Pelosi and her cronies do not uphold the Constitution. They have repeatedly violated their oaths.

  3. They are getting very, very desperate. Soon we will see the pendulum of justice swing against them, their causes and their corruption.

  4. Trump is going to use this and tear apart whomever he faces in the debates.
    I know there are a ton of stupid people out there, but not enough to not see through the impeachment, Russian collusion, Kavanaugh, etc. charades.

  5. Pelosi claims no Constitution requirements for a vote so I want all you Democrat Liberal Bully Snowflakes tell me why the Democrats are demanding Trump's tax returns. There is no Constitutional requirements for Trump to turn over his taxes. Pelosi states there is past precedence set and he is held to this past precedence. If that is so past precedence has been sent on impeachment proceedings so why does Pelosi and the Democrats held to that past precedence of holding the complete House vote and setting same rights to Republicans? These are pure hypocrites and bullies that do what they want. The Republicans will make this bite them in the a$$ when they control the House and there is a Dumbo in the WH. Schumer warned this would happen during the Clinton impeachment. We finally have several Republicans with a backbone and they will have revenge Democrat style .

  6. No vote. Take your subpoenas and shove them where the sun don't shine. They are not worth the paper they are written on. Thanks for getting Mr. President re-elected. TRUMP 2020


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