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Saturday, October 19, 2019

'Peace-Expert' George W Bush Says "Isolationism" Is Dangerous To Peace

Humanity was treated to an important lecture on peace at a recent event for the NIR School of the Heart by none other than Ellen Degeneres BFF and world-renowned peace expert George W Bush.

“I don’t think the Iranians believe a peaceful Middle East is in their national interest,” said the former president according to The Washington Post’s Josh Rogin, whose brief Twitter thread on the subject appears to be the only record of Bush’s speech anywhere online.
“An isolationist United States is destabilizing around the world,” Bush said during the speech in what according to Rogin was a shot at the sitting president.

“We are becoming isolationist and that’s dangerous for the sake of peace.”
For those who don’t speak fluent neoconservative, “isolationist” here means taking even one small step in any direction other than continued military expansionism into every square inch of planet Earth, and “We are becoming isolationist” here means “We have hundreds of military bases circling the globe, our annual military budget is steadily climbing toward the trillion-dollar mark, and we are engaged in countless undeclared wars and regime change interventions all around the world.”



  1. The US is an ugly oppressive Empire.
    Those who do not realize this are simply in denial.
    This article states it very clearly.

    Mr Bush works for the same international financiers his grandfather (Prescott) as well as his other grandfather (George Herbert Walker). Both of them came out of Skull and Bones (Order of the Death's Head) at Yale and ran Union Bank for Thyessen (Nazi Financier).

    Most Americans believe a fairy tale about how great the Country used to be.
    It never was and is even more horrific now.

  2. He can't help that his mother drank during her first pregnancy.

  3. Well if you and your family have Globalist investments and interests in Oil and Arms sales sure you would think that. " Exporting Peace " is not an altruistic pursuit. We created all these problems in these places making deals with desert tribal monarchs and making them world leaders. The whole Middle East is a huge shit show because of our interventions there and access to their resources. These tribal, ethnic and religious conflicts have gone on there for a millennium the only people that ever cared were those that could profit and exploit the situation and did.

  4. Not bad for a guy that many consider to be a war criminal.

  5. Me and probably you did not invest there (middle east). It was our masters. Acknowledge reality before it bites you!

  6. Dude is right about the Bushes.
    Look it up.
    Puff puff

  7. Look. Another Saudi Arabia slave to his King.

  8. Bush and most of his family; including Father and Grandfather are a HUGH part of the Deep State/One World Government/New World Order...Deceptive, Corrupt, Evil to the core. Involved in PEDO activity, sex trafficking, drug and arms trafficking and so much more. NEVER to be trusted!!!


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