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Friday, October 04, 2019

Passport Services Now Offered At Centre

SALISBURY – A new service is expected to benefit patrons of Wicomico County’s library system.

On Sept. 9, the Wicomico Public Library began offering passport services at its Centre branch, located within the Centre at Salisbury.

There, patrons can apply for a new passport, renew an existing passport and take passport photos.

Sam Gibson, marketing and communications manager for the library, said the new service follows a growing trend to offer additional resources to library patrons.

“The library is a great hub for not only checking out books and online resources, but we also have things like fax and notary services,” he said. “This just adds to the things we already offer.”



  1. Oh great! Now taxpayers have two branches of government funded by taxpayers to obtain a passport. The Post Office and Libraries have both outlived their usefulness. I just came in from outside where I emptied my mailbox into my trash recycling can. I never go to the library anymore for books and I already have online resource access from home. Why would I go there to fax something when the quality of faxes can't match that of a a home scanned document scan/email. People who drive to the Centre can just as easily drive to the Post Office. It makes more sense to put a Passport kiosk on the OC Boardwalk and little sense to create even more Government services that would compete with each other.

  2. So now it will be easier for illegal aliens and terrorists to get ideas. Just what we need, passport services at a run down mall.

  3. Like anyone around here needs a passport. Oh yeah you need one to go on a Cruise Ship.

  4. 3:08:

    That's not the issue. The issue is that some government reps are promoting new solutions by some other government reps for service that is ALREADY available.

  5. I feel sorry for the minimum wage librarians who already have to play babysitter, deal with the homeless flopping all day, the drug addicts looking for a place to shoot up, having to provide employment search services, fax and notary as mentioned in the article and now passport services. Meanwhile the taxpayer is spending a fortune on the upper level management who are useless beyond coming up with new "projects" that the library can provide more and more services for and paying for these new "super library" buildings. You should see the one in Crisfield. It's built a full story up on stilts, waterfront property and half of their already small population can't read anyway. Digitize everything in the Library of Congress and rent one of the hundreds of vacant small business locations available in every small town in America, put in 20 computers and a person to issue library cards to use them. That is it. Stop the ridiculous spending and wasteful liberal feel good projects.


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