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Monday, October 14, 2019

PART 1: CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Personal Vendetta Against POTUS


  1. No need for anyone to say they report facts now. It’s all propaganda.

  2. Actually I have never watched CNN but clips replayed on FOX indicate a bias and lack of credibility. Listening to Project Veritas tapes of Jeff Zucker have exposed the truth as well as the CNN insider blowing the whistle. The jig is up, need to pack it in and call it a day CNN.

  3. I usually click on CNN for a few seconds just to see what kind of BS they shoveling out and it's always the same thing,totally negative on our President. Never anything about the good things he has been able to do despite having to fight off his traitorous enemies at every turn. GOD bless America and GOD bless President Trump.


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