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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Paris zoo debuts mysterious self-healing "blob" that has nearly 720 sexes

It's bright yellow, it has no brain and it can heal itself in just a few minutes. This sounds like something out of a horror film, but the mysterious creature is actually a living organism — and a zoo in Paris is putting it on display.

The Paris Zoological Park announced this week it is unveiling a first-of-its-kind exhibit Saturday featuring a slimy organism called "The Blob." The exhibit will showcase its rarities for the public and allow visitors to learn about the odd creature.

The unicellular mold is known officially as physarum polycephalum, or the "many-headed slime." It has no mouth, stomach, eyes, brain or nervous system, but it can detect and digest food. The zoo said the organism first appeared a billion years ago.



  1. Was it Gertrude Stein that said ?
    A blob is a blob is a blob .

  2. For a second there, i thought it was a Hillary parody.

  3. That is incredible!

    1. That's impossible, 720 sexes, there is only 2, male and female. I now someone out there is going to dispute my comment, so begin with naming only ten, just 10 of the 720 sexes and you have my attention

  4. 847 and 942, michael moore and hillary are the same sex. That only counts 1 of 720


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